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File 13491978027.jpg - (57.95KB , 473x107 , Banner.jpg )
604 No. 604
Dear 99chan.org,
I'm a photographer in California, and I'm also seeking out text links partners for my gallery of erotic fine art. I found your site through an erotic literature search, and I would be very grateful if you could check out my work, at:


Please do let me know if a links trade would be possible, and or if you could provide me any feedback on additional marketing for my website. Thank you all so much, for your time and consideration.


Craig Scoffone
>> No. 605
>I found your site through an erotic literature search

There's nothing we can offer you, except this one advise: Do not advertise yourself on imageboards. Cheers.
>> No. 606
This isn't really on-topic for the board, but what the hell.

Imageboards are for users to post stuff, and spamming your own links is very frowned upon. You don't seem to be trying to spam, so the mods might lenient. Speaking of the mods, they are the people you'd want to contact about any advertisement here, but as far as I know they don't want to have any. An on-topic text ad might be better though, so you should email them to talk about it. [email protected] would probably be the person to talk to.

On the other hand, I'm not sure how much traffic from here would help you. Imageboard users aren't known for spending lots of money or decorating their homes very well. You might be better off with a google ad. I think you can link your ad to certain search phrases, for example "erotic art". Here's the website for that:


Another option, that might work very well for you, since your product is erotic and you seem to be fine with advertising on smutty websites, is to look for webcomics with nudity, since I know a lot of them have trouble getting and holding advertisers. They'll likely sell space for cheap and have artistically inclined readers. Project Wonderful is a great tool for helping webcomics and advertisers get in contact, and they have some nice search tools so that you can stay in a small budget.


I hope this helps!

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