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59 No. 59
Becoming Stephanie

Chapter 1: First Meeting

People today know me as Stephanie, the pretty young woman with plenty of friends, a solid home life, and a beautiful & loving partner. I wasn't always known as Stephanie though. This is the long story of how I came to be who I am today, from the beginning up until the present day.

It all started on a windy, cold Tuesday afternoon. I was taken to the fifth floor of a nondescript brick building on 2nd Street in Parkview to meet with Dr. Hoffman for the first time. Having been brought from jail, I was accompanied by two guards who, evidently, couldn't trust me enough not to run off. What a wise move that was; knowing me then, I would've taken "Door #3" at the first opportunity. My parents were ordered to appear at the meeting as well, but they never showed up. It was yet another absence in a long line of absences the both of them gave me my whole life. So that day, I ended up having to go before Dr. Hoffman alone. Our meeting was anything but comfortable.

His office appeared to be some sort of private practice he ran in addition to his research career. His name was on the door; there was a big receptionist's cube in the center of the waiting room. The waiting room itself was standard professional building fare; ice cold, drug company tchotchkes scattered around, fifteen-year old magazines, wool carpeting, and the kind of felt-cloth chairs that are grouped together with wooden handles. As I waited for my meeting, I took a look around and couldn't help but wonder what "that guy" was here for, or why "this girl" was here. We all do that in the doctor's office now, don't lie. "That guy" could have been here for anything, really. I took one look at him and surmised he suffered from typical teenaged issues such as depression, and wished I could swap places in a heartbeat. After all, he wasn't going to be leaving with a veritable death sentence...killing who I was, and saving the person.

The door at the other end of the room clicked open. Out walked a mother and her thirteen-year old daughter. They briefly exchanged words of optimism that suggested she was overcoming her eating disorder once and for all. Oh, what I wouldn't do to have been here for a simple eating disorder instead of a bizarre experimental therapy! The mother and daughter went to go pay the receptionist as Dr. Hoffman turned and saw me for the first time.

"Oh! You guys are with the county...", Dr. Hoffman said as he greeted us. We never even had the courtesy of a polite hello. "Where's his parents?"

The uniformed man to the left of me shrugged. "They were supposed to come here fifteen minutes ago. I dunno where they are."

"Can we do this without them?"

"Decker says anyone you don't meet with this week is dropped from the study." Decker, of course, was the judge in charge of my case. An old-fashioned judge, he was never thrilled about this idea to begin with, but faced pressure from the mayor and governor to try rehabilitating youths instead of sending them away to prison. He pretty much did everything he could to try and sabotage the experiment, but ended up failing in the face of an even craftier Dr. Hoffman.

"Can we re-schedule?"

"No...nothing says we need to meet with the parents, do we?", the doctor said.

"Well, they certainly have to be notified!", the man shot back.

"Will a phone call suffice?"

"Yeah, well...yeah, I guess, sure....bu-"

"Good!" he said before turning to me for the first time. "You must be Stephen!"

I looked up at him and nodded, not sure what to say.

Dr. Hoffman put his hands on his knees and leaned over, facing me as I sat in the chair with a fake smile. "What's wrong...shy?"

I nodded.

"Ah...there's nothing to be afraid of! I'm on your side, bud. We're all here to help you get a fresh start. You ready to begin?"

I nodded again and got up out of the chair.

"Yeah, he's ready. Okay, I got it from here guys." He shooed away the two guards back to the waiting room as he led me into his office. It was going to be a one-on-one meeting with the doctor, and somehow, I wished at least one of the two guards I barely knew came in with me. It would have been minimal comfort, at best.

His office was a large corner section of the building, about half being the walls built around the waiting room and the other half being windows out to the city. If I had to guess, the room was the size of a hotel's indoor swimming pool. Much of the space was practically wasted; his desk sat right before the window on the right side with a semi-circular couch surrounding the front. Aside from that, there was a globe in the corner, but little else. I couldn't help but wonder if he had just moved in. Dr. Hoffman pulled into his chair and sat down, sighing heavily before tapping away on his tablet. I went to go sit on the couch, right in the middle; perhaps that was because it was the farthest away from the doctor I could have been. After thirty seconds of awkward silence, he looked up at me and put his hands together at the tips of his fingers before beginning.

"So! Stephen...how are you today?"

What is worse than small talk intended to ease tension? I replied, "Good...I...guess."

"You feeling okay? Anything bothering you?"

There were scores of things "bothering me" but I dared not mention them. "No, no...not really," I said.

"That's good. So...where's your parents? Weren't they supposed to be here today?"

"Yeah...yeah, they were," I said sarcastically.

"Tell me Stephen, do they frequently abandon you like this?"

I wasn't about to believe Dr. Hoffman was a sympathetic ear, but I gave him the truth anyway. "Yeah...all the damn time."

"Aw. Do you have a good family life? Any brothers, sisters?"

"No. And no...only child."

"So nobody to really talk things out with or give you something nice to come home to."

"Yeah...no. Home sucks," I replied. Home really did suck. I came to enjoy hanging out with my "friends" more than ever going back to that apalling garbage patch.

"So I guess we can start there then. Stephen...would you mind telling me what happened last August?"

After that prompt, we discussed my crime for a large part of the hour-long session. What the motive was, why I did it, whether or not I wanted to do it or not, how I felt before, during, and afterward. His attitude to each of my responses vacillated between sympathetic and repulsed. What I had done was so utterly reprehensible, that even Dr. Hoffman could hardly justify it as he tried to stop me from ever doing it again.

When this discussion finally subsided, we got down to the real beef of the appointment; my punishment-slash-rehabilitative plan.

"Okay...well, Stephen, I've got some good news for you. You're still young. You've still got the opportunity to turn things around. Now, I don't want you to look at this as a punishment...I want you to look at it as a new beginning. A chance to wipe the slate clean and start anew, as a better person. If you do what I tell you, I promise you you'll be better off for it. Does that sound okay?"

>> No. 60
"Good. Now, did anyone explain the program to you?"

"They gave me a brief outline of it." The brief outline, though still dismal, sounded far better than prison. At this point, I was still shit scared, but somewhat thankful I escaped my other fate.

"Okay. Well, the study is called the Hormonal-Behavioral Reconditioning Experiment. Long title, yes, but in layman's terms, it's a program that leverages some innovative psychological and chemical-based behavioral modification techniques to reduce aggression in young male violent offenders. You with me so far?"

I nodded.

"I based the current study as an improvement upon one I did previously that showed some pretty big success. Basically, here's the theory; certain young males have higher than normal tendency toward aggressive behavior. What I did in the previous study was administer a daily regimen of female hormones in the hope that it would reduce aggression and bring them down to a more 'normal' level of functioning."

I sat and stared at him as he continued.

"The study ended with mixed results. Most importantly, the hormones worked. None of the young males repeated any of their previous behavior, and turned out to be much more sensitive and caring toward others. Sound good so far, right?"

I nodded slightly.

"Here was the problem. The female hormones worked great on the minds, but not so great on the bodies. All of the boys in the study began taking on female secondary sex characteristics. Their voices stopped deepening, their breasts grew out, hips widened...you know what I'm talking about, all that stuff. Anyway, I noticed it early on and reduced the dosage. Too low caused them to start acting out again, but I couldn't get the dosage low enough to gain its positive mental effects while avoiding the physical side effects. At the end of the study, all of the boys needed mastectomies and were stuck with a relatively female figure despite discontinuing the hormones. I mean....together with therapy, everything stuck, they're out working, one got married...but obviously, it's not practical to put one on a dosage of female hormones and then bring them in for surgery to undo the damage."

"Uh...huh...," I said. I looked at him as if he were a madman. The only study that could have sounded more ridiculous was the one I was about to be enrolled in.

"Originally, I was going to leave it there and try other plans. However, I was pressured to come up with a solution to the problem as the positive side of the experiment was nothing short of amazing. So, a couple months later, I went back to the drawing board. Basically, I reasoned like such: why work *against* the hormones instead of *with* them? I was missing the reason *why* these boys were so well behaved. Their bodies, including the minds, were feminized to the point where they had no inclination to act out in such brash, violent ways anymore."

I nodded slightly as before while he continued rambling on.

"These individuals could not function well as boys, for heaven only knows what reason. However, who's to say they wouldn't function well as *girls*? Why were we trying to undo what happened to their bodies when perhaps, it would have worked better to just go with the changes?"


"Stephen, that brings us to where we are today. When we're all done with everything, the hope is that you'll be a young girl with much to offer this world."

My face turned beet red as he said that. I was told I would be punished by being made to live as a girl before, but no matter how may times I heard it, the shock never wore off.

"Now, listen to me. I know you're scared."

That was an understatement.

"Listen to me though...Stephen, look at me. Being a girl isn't that different from being a boy. It's not the end of the world. It's your last hope for ever living normally again."

After looking at him, I could do nothing but keep looking off to the side, or at the floor.

"I still think this is much better for you than prison. Here, you have a full team of people who care about you and want to make you a model citizen. Look, I'll explain everything in the plan to you. Now, after I'm done, try and tell me any of this is worse than being locked up for twenty years perpetually fearing for your safety."

At this point, I genuinely entertained the thought of prison. It would be far from the first time it crossed my mind.

Dr. Hoffman began typing on his tablet, swishing his hands around and pinching and poking at the display until he found what he was looking for. "All right. The plan lasts for, at most, two years. We hope to get everything in by the time you turn sixteen or seventeen. Basically, there's three major stages we're going to be looking at, aimed at transforming your mind and your body for the better."

For the better?, I thought. Was I so screwed up that being made to live as a girl would be "better"?

"As soon as this afternoon, I'm going to issue a daily injectable hormone regimen. It consists of two shots, the hormone itself coupled with an anti-androgen. They're given in the buttocks at a dosage I'll show before you leave. You can do this yourself, but I highly recommend you have someone help you. I'll administer the first dose today, but you have to keep injecting yourself nightly. If you don't do this, you will be dismissed from the study. Okay?"

I nodded. "Dismissed from the study" would eventually become Dr. Hoffman's euphemism for going to prison, since that was where I would go if the study was canceled in any way.

"The primary goal of the hormonal treatments is to reduce your aggression. Now, it may seem counter-productive because...heh," he started to chuckle, "you...you'll have some preeeeetty wild mood swings in the beginning. Basically, these hormones trigger your body into thinking that you're pregnant. Stephen, I'm pretty sure you've seen just how bitchy pregnant girls get."

As he said that last sentence, he leaned in and smiled to try and reduce the tension. It didn't work as I was nothing short of horrified at what was about to be done to me.

Dr. Hoffman cleared his throat. "Right, okay...now, like I said before, that's just the primary goal. The other goal of course is to trigger your body into producing female sex characteristics. As part of your punishment, you are required to develop breasts...up to a B-cup size at least. Now, most of the time the hormones do the trick nicely. But, if the injections don't work well enough, you will need to have your breasts implanted."

I sunk into the couch saying nary a word.

"That's why it's very important you take both injections every day, because that's one less surgery you will need. Now, a few things about that."

Dr. Hoffman then held up his tablet toward me. On the display was a picture of a frontally nude woman to the left, and an anatomical description of the female breast to the right. "This is what we're shooting for here, roughly about this shape and size. These are natural breasts; implants look a bit 'firmer' and the areolas aren't as big which is why we really don't want to have to surgically implant them. If everything goes well, your breasts should grow to the required size in about a year. Now, essentially, you'll be going through a girl's puberty. Your chest area is going to be very, very sore in the process, and your nipples are also going to expand with the breast. These are all expected changes. Don't be alarmed and stop taking your hormones, because like I said, you will be dismissed."

>> No. 61
"Now, what we also want to go for is a more feminine frame. That's why another goal of the program is widening your hips, at least up to the point where your shoulders are. Now, as long as you take the injections, your hips will almost certainly widen enough to where we expect them to be. They're not as important as having breasts though, so don't worry about needing 'hip implants' or anything...the hormones will work good. Can you stand up for a second, I just...wanna see something for a moment."

I got up slowly off the couch and stared at Dr. Hoffman. He observantly examined my body for a few seconds before asking,

"Okay, could you turn around?" So I did and presumably he did the same thing.

"Okay, I really don't think we should have any problem with anything. You're still growing so this is the ideal time to arrest your natural development and make your required changes. I mean, your shoulders aren't too broad, so that's excellent. Uh, how tall are you?"


"Oh, excellent. Okay, sit back down and we'll start discussing your expected behaviors."

Slowly, I retreated back into the center of the couch, waiting for even more demeaning news. One phrase that still racked around in my brain was "one less surgery." One less?? I need surgery to begin with?? I was preoccupied with this, waiting for him to explain that statement a little more.

"Now, first things first. You need a girl's name. Obviously 'Stephen' isn't going to cut it anymore, I mean, you'll sound weird. Have you thought of a name for yourself yet?"

I nodded "no."

"Well, how about this. When transsexuals transition, they usually pick an opposite-sex name related to their birth name. How does...'Stephanie' sound?"

It sounded awful. By now, I was just stunned in this weird mix of fear and shame that I could hardly say anything anymore.

"Do you want to go with 'Stephanie'?"

I nodded yes, but only to make him stop asking me.

"Okay. From the start of the program on, I'm only going to refer to you as Stephanie. Now, since being a girl is a large part of your treatment, you will be expected to do things girls your age do. Most importantly, you are to begin dressing as a girl. No more of what you're wearing now. Girls your age typically wear tighter, brighter fashions. Makeup is going to be important too, and maybe some lipstick or lip gloss once in a while. I also ask that you start wearing more things like skirts, leggings, and dresses as well. And of course, you will need to start wearing bras to support your new breasts as they come in. Also, with these clothes, you need to wear panties. No briefs. Okay?"

I didn't say a word. I felt like I was going to throw up.

"You need to begin shopping for these things tonight, okay? Also, your hair is long now, that's good, but you'll need to style it in a more feminine fashion. Maybe have it pressed straight and cut a bit on the front there. Finally, you need to start learning how to act female as well. What do I mean...well, it's hard to explain. That's why we're going to help you with that a bit."

Why, thanks.

"After you begin living as a girl, I've arranged to have you transferred across town to the newer high school. Nobody knows of you or your punishment and will think that you are any other real girl. I highly encourage you, if not outright require that you make friends with your female peers. Observe how they act and follow suit. Learn things about womanhood together. Stuff like, how to do makeup, or how to shave your legs. You're at precisely the right age; most of them are learning about these things too. I can think of no better education for being female than living the female experience. Just like how it's best to learn a foreign language in a foreign land. If you do something wrong, hopefully they'll point it out to you. It's impossible to come up with a hard and fast list of requirements for this, so I just require one thing; that you learn and imitate their ways. Okay?"


"Now, you're going to be checking in with me weekly. You need to present to me as a teen girl, or you'll be dismissed. I'm going to know whether or not you're becoming more like one, so don't cheat me. Okay. All that's left to discuss are the required surgeries."

My head perked up as my heart jumped out my backside and through the floor. "Surgeries?"

"Yes, you are going to need a few surgeries. Hormones can't do everything. Now, let me see your face for just a minute."

I looked up at him and stared him in his observant eyes. He winced for a bit and then looked back down at his tablet.

"Okay...you'll need at least two. Possibly three. Now, you might not need this one, but the first one would be facial feminization. Basically, we shave back pieces of bone in your skull and jawline so your face has a more feminine appearance. Now, I don't think you're done growing yet, so maybe you won't need it. We'll just have to see."

I looked down at the floor, slightly hyperventilating. They were really going to be making permanent changes to my body!

"The second surgery is going to be removing your testicles. Now, another effect of the hormones is that they will shrink them, but they can't eliminate them altogether. The treatment calls for their complete removal, so...roughly around the time your breasts are finished developing, we are going to bring you in and have your testicles removed. It's a half-hour procedure at most, completely safe, you have nothing to worry about. After they are gone, we can eliminate the second shot, the anti-androgen, and allow your body to feminize as much as it possibly will...uh, are you okay?"

Dr. Hoffman asked me that last question as I started to hyperventilate more and more.

"Stephen, it's nothing to worry about. They're safe procedures. You'll have it done up at the Parkview University Medical Center...they're very experienced...and..."

I couldn't care less if they made me shit gold bricks. I didn't expect any permanent changes to be made to me!

"Stephen...deep breath. Deep breath time, c'mon now. Eeeep...."

I inhaled as much as I could, trying anything to stop the shaking, anxiousness, and heavy shame.

"Ahhhhhh....let it out. Ahhhhh...."

"FFFFFFFFFuuhhhhhhh...." I enunciated loudly.

"You feel a bit better now?"


"It's okay, Stephen. We wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Like I said, we're not like prison. We're here to help you."

"Sure..." I said, taking more deep breaths as I stared at the floor.

"We got one more thing to cover. This is the last surgery you must have; it's definitely the most important."

I closed my eyes and took another deep breath as he was about to announce precisely what I had anticipated.
>> No. 62
"About a year and a half, maybe two years in, you will be ready to fully transition. At this point, you will be brought up to the same hospital, where your genitals will be made into a vagina."

A heavy sigh blew out right as he finished.

"This one is a little more complex, but it's still safe. Here...look up here, I'll show you how we're going to do it."

I slowly looked up at his desk. Again, he had his tablet display facing me, this time with a series of diagrams about how male-to-female sex change worked. Dr. Hoffman started pointing at the pictures with his ink pen as he explained the procedure to me.

"Basically, the gist of it is that your penis will be cut along this line here, and another incision will be made here to sort of 'invert' it. We're going to be turning it inside-out, basically. After that's pushed into you to create the vaginal canal, this part up here that was severed is re-attached near where the urethra will go to create your clitoris. If we don't do that, well, you wouldn't have much sexual sensation anymore, and our goal is to preserve that. Finally, the skin left over from the scrotum is used to create the labia. See...it's not that bad."

I sighed again.

"Calm down, Stephen. Now, the problem with sexual reassignment surgery so far is that, although cosmetically sufficient, it isn't quite functionally sufficient. If you ever choose to engage in intercourse or play with toys, you're going to have problems with lubrication as the standard of care for vaginal construction doesn't cover that. Luckily, I've pulled some strings to get you in a clinical trial. A different one, not mine. So in your surgery, they will perform the standard procedure plus the implantation of lab-grown mucous membranes that will line the wall of your new vagina and provide it with a more natural environment inside. Also, the new procedure includes the implantation of the Skene's gland and Bartholin's gland around the opening of your vagina, also lab-made. They make them from your own prostate and bulbouretheral gland too since they're homologous. Everything comes from you. There's no potential for rejection. They've been testing this new procedure for...maybe five years now, and it's so absent of any side effects that the only thing keeping it from standard of care is red tape."

I stared at him in complete and utter shock.

"Do you understand what we need to do now? Hormones, a real-life test, and two or three surgeries. Now, after your vagina is made, you don't have to have any more surgeries, but you can have one additional one if you wish. There is another clinical trial you can enroll in that would make you a full biological girl, for all intents and purposes. Together with some gene therapy (to eliminate possible rejection), they implant a closely-matched female reproductive system from a donor into you so that you can become pregnant one day if you wish. This one's a bit more iffy, but I think it's worth a shot in case you ever wish to become pregnant as a woman. You've got plenty of time to decide whether or not you want that, though, so don't worry."

His conversation grew more and more ridiculous that I started to wonder if this was all an elaborate hidden-camera show gag.

"And that covers it. Do you have any questions, Stephen?"

I belted out the first one that I could ask. "Wait a sec...so, I *have* to have the last surgery?"

"Well, uh...you can't be a girl without a vagina. Heh." He chuckled as if my question was completely ridiculous.

"So when they said I'd be living as a girl..."

"The hormones will feminize your mind, primarily by reducing your aggression. That's the really important part. After we achieve that, you are required to either develop or have implanted at least a B-cup pair of breasts, and then grow your hips even with your shoulders. Finally, you must have a vagina made. The treatment calls for the full feminization of your mind and body, and your genitals are no exception. The entire point of this punishment is that you are to become a girl."

I paused before asking another question. "Is it too late to back out?"

"Stephen...prison is not a nice place. I can all but guarantee you would not make it out alive in there. You will sink further and further into aggression, depression, before being raped and later murdered after losing a fight. Now, like I said at the beginning...what sounds better to you? Living a new and comfortable life as an ordinary teen girl, or...*that*?"

I stared at the corner of his office for a bit. Perhaps he was right. I was in a tough spot now, and all I could do was survive. There was no way I would make it in prison. I've had my ass handed to me more than once in fist-fights. I couldn't imagine living in persistent fear of dying.

"I'll do it..." I said quietly.

"Excellent. Okay, I'll book you for this same time next week, call your parents so they know what's going on, and we'll take it from there. Oh, before you go..."

Dr. Hoffman then reached into his desk for half a minute before withdrawing a two glass jars and a sterile needle. It was now the time for my first hormone injection.

"This vial is the estrogen solution, and the other one with the red stripe at the top of the label, that's the anti-androgen. Basically, you need to measure each one up to about 3/4 of the needle, pulling it out of the vial like this..." He held the first glass up to the light and withdrew the substance into the needle. "There we go. Okay, now, just pull down the back of your pants just a bit, so I can inject the first dosage."

I got up and did as he instructed, pulling my pants down just enough to expose the area he needed.

"And like this, just inject it into a vein. Here we go, just a little pinch..."

I stared off into the corner of his office as I felt his two fingers on my butt cheek guiding the needle in. I felt the pinch as he injected the first feminizing chemical into my bloodstream. It was now the beginning of my punishment.

"All right, that was easy. Now, do the same with the other one, like this......Okay, one more time, just a little pinch."

The second pinch was almost as violating as the first. In went the second chemical, ready to turn me into the good little girl I was to become.

"Okay, and that's it. See? Easy. Your body does the rest!" Dr. Hoffman went to the other end of the room and threw the needle into a red bucket on the wall before returning.

"Well, all right. I think you're allowed to be released now, so you can catch the bus back home. As soon as the plan begins, you don't have to go back to jail, so enjoy the rest of your day!"

"Yeah, thanks," I said idly before realizing what I just thanked him for. I buttoned my pants back up and slid on my coat, when from the corner of my eye I saw him handing me something.

"Here's your card. I'll see you next week. Welcome to girlhood...Stephanie."

(The events and characters depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblence to events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The values and behavorial standards of characters in this story are not reflective of the author's personal beliefs or politics. The depiction of various activities in this story do not constituite a real-life endorsement of such activities. Possession, readership, and sharing of sexually explicit literature may be prohibited in your country and/or age group. Copyright(c) 2011 Freaky Deek. Posted image is unrelated to the story, unowned by the author, and is copyright of its respective author(s).)
>> No. 64
Oh...for reference, this is the prequel to "The Closet II"...just in case you get lost. =p
>> No. 144
Well, I'm not a big fan of transgendered stuff, but your sex scenes are still the hottest things I've read. Will you please post some more?
>> No. 145

Yes. In addition to this serial, I also have several unrelated elits ready to go...I just need to proofread them before uploading them. Look for a new one in a new thread soon, as well as for the next chapter of this one.
>> No. 175

Actually...I don't know what I want to do with this story.

Part of what made the other one good was...well, the sex. I think I'm just going to get rid of this one in a week unless someone can tell me what they'd like to see done to poor Stephanie. Meanwhile, I'll wrap this up in a future story that'll be much better than dragging this out with writer's block.
>> No. 176
I really enjoyed the first installment of this one and didn't really care for this prequel piece. I've got no problem with you including sections without sex. I actually think that it can really improve an elit because it makes the, ahem, climax a bigger event. But, this piece didn't really give us any more insight into the character, and that's what's really intriguing about this. What we got from "First Meeting" is that the character doesn't want to be turned into a girl. Which was already established in the previous piece. What I want to see is where the story goes after "Re-Orientation Therapy," because while creepy and weird, just talking about Gender Reassignment Surgery like just isn't as titillating.
>> No. 182
I have to agree. I think that because of the way Stephanie's punishment is supposed to be set up, sex won't be a very regular occurrence in the story until the reorientation therapies happen.
>> No. 185

Exactly, so I'm going to do a 180 and go the other route. The next story will be a *sequel* to the first instead. That way I can center it around sex, which is what we all come here to read to begin with. =p I've been writing sex stuff for a fair bit and one thing I think I've learned by now is that if you have to skip over large parts of the story, you're writing it wrong. I left a lot of stuff vague in the original (such as the crime Stephen/Stephanie committed) because that's not important to the hot, sweaty force-fucking that's about to go on!

So, assuming I ever write Chapter 2, it'll be a story with sex instead of a proper elit, and I'll post it elsewhere where it belongs.

With that being said, I've started writing it. I hope you guys are into bondage and titfucking. :3
>> No. 189
Excellent! I agree that shifting the direction of your story would probably pan out better than a prequel (which is not to say the prequel wasn't pretty cool). I love your writing style, and I look forward to seeing what our poor dear Stephanie has waiting.
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