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File 134653057390.jpg - (3.66KB , 180x112 , Lamborghini-prototype-car-926.jpg )
533 No. 533
i am looking for a story that was on a different site but the site got shut down. the story is about a guy who gets pulled over for excessive speeding in his new car, and instead of going to jail he gets 2 months or so of community service tutoring little kids at an elimentary.
>> No. 536
he ends up tutoring a little girl that doesn't like authority, and he makes friends with her by breaking some rules of the school, like no cussing and such. as he gets to know her he finds out he is attracted to her and slowly comes to terms with his pedo feeling. and that about as far as i managed to make it before the site it was originally on got shut down. please help me find it again. i'll settle for at least the stories name. please and thank you to any willing to help.
>> No. 590
I have posted this on a couple sites and have still received no response. please, help me asap.
>> No. 595
I remember that story, and I remember it not being any longer than he gives her a kiss. If it has been finished though, I would love to read it.
>> No. 625
even though it had no sex up to the point i made it in the story it still had potential to be one of the best loli love story i ever read. and i would love to get my hands on a completed version, or even just what was out there. so any help would be appreciated

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