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File 132505098619.jpg - (309.46KB , 1024x768 , Dock.jpg )
51 No. 51
I wish to remain anonymous. Frankly, this is a disaster. I came here for all my fapping needs- all it took was a search for some Phil Phantom inspired shit or anything by AnonyMPC and I was set. Here's a couple ways I can give back, with an ancient goddamned bit of gloriousness and a link:



/Elit/ is dead. Long live /elit/.
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>> No. 63
File 132513555938.jpg - (177.19KB , 592x598 , writer-icon-random-collage (3).jpg )
Yes sir!!!! Elit has dumped all our glorious work and now we're stuck with a empty fucking catalogue!! Thank God I saved some! And thank you for posting links to AnonyMPC! I think I've got some of his links!

You wouldn't by chance have any other accounts for Same Guy, Odub or 9876543210? Would you by chance? Or writers with similar writing styles!
>> No. 67
Thanks, I appreciate the endorsement! =)
>> No. 138
Damn, would you believe I had to do a OS and App recovery like, YESTERDAY! While I may have the stuff, I haven't mastered retrieving it. So, we'll see if I can get my stuff back up and running! I'll keep y'all posted.
>> No. 202

Please finish MPC 4 soon. I am quite eager to read it, and discover (and fap to) the fates of Erin and Andrew. It is by far your best series, and I hope that you will write a fifth installment at some point too. I'm also interested in reading WB 3 (which I consider to be your second best series) at some point.

As for your Phil Phantom inspired stories, I find them to be quite boring. PP has always been a poor excuse for an author, and you imitating him is thus like Shakespeare imitating Stephenie Meyer. Just because he has a sizable following among the brain-dead (and often sub-literate, I've found) legions of erotica readers doesn't mean that his writing isn't trash. He's simplistic and crass, and your knack for subtlety is wasted by imitating him. I hope you will devote more efforts to your traditional stories.

Furthermore, allow me to say that science fiction and erotica rarely mix, and that I hope that you won't become one of those erotica writers that bores everyone by using your stories as a convenient cover to share your "totally awesome" ideas for science fiction novels. There are enough hacks on this board alone doing that, and it never makes for very exciting stories.

With that all said, do you have a timetable for the completion of MPC 4?
>> No. 203
I still have no timetable on MPC4. I've hit a bit of a bump in the road motivationally speaking, where I'm just not as excited to write. I'm still working on it, but slowly. Right now I might even be forced to split up what once was 4 into 4 and 5.

As regards to the Phil Phantom stories, I'll say what I always say: I know they're not as popular. I don't care. I'm happy some people read and enjoy it, but I'd continue to write them even if every other feedback told me to stop. It's part of my process. There are times when I just don't feel like writing in my normal style... in those times, I often CAN write a Phil Phantom style, because it takes a completely different part of the writing muscle, and it's easy... and when that's the case, the very act of writing in the form tends to refresh my enthusiasm for my normal style. The reverse is true, although to a lesser extent, so by bouncing back and forth I can be more productive. Unfortunately, there are some occasions, like the last few weeks, when I haven't been too excited about either style, and I'm hoping editing and releasing may help do the trick. In any event, if you don't like them, don't read them. They're always clearly marked, and I won't be offended. With respect to the merits of the original author, I'll just say sometimes there's a place for sublety, and sometimes there's a place for outright raunch.

What you say about SF and erotica may or may not be true, but I am going down that road nonetheless, out of my own interest. Again, if you don't think it's interesting, I won't be offended if you don't read it, but if I don't write the stories that interest ME, then it becomes work, and the more it's work, the less I'll do anything. I will almost certainly be releasing the first part of one of two 'Sci-Fi Serials' in the next couple weeks. There's an informal poll in a sticky post of the /elit/board of a chan some 92 units lower than this one to help me decide which one. I don't want to duplicate efforts by running two of them.
>> No. 204

Well, that all sounds good to me. I was just being candid.
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