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File 133764723857.jpg - (12.53KB , 450x254 , annaislostinthemotelroom.jpg )
413 No. 413
I am looking for a story that was hosted on one of the past servers of this site. it started about a boy staying up past his bed time and getting caught by his big sister who then proceeded to make him do dirty things with her. then later on he requests to continue from where they left off last time.
>> No. 451
Does no one know the name of this story? or where i can read it?
>> No. 455
It sounds vaguely familiar but I've got no leads for you! The boards been erased quite a few times and I think a lot of folks who use to post here got feed up with it. So, your quest maybe falling on deaf ears, because anyone who could point you in the right direction may not even bother coming here anymore.

The best I can suggest, is leave a post over on 7chan, for the same story and that you read it here. Most who post here, post there and on a couple of other sites like ASSTR, Literotica and Nifty. They maybe able to give you, at the least, a title. Plus, they archive the hell out of their elit.

Good luck!

If you make any progress, I hope you'll come back and drop a link off. I most likely will be wanting to read that again! Incest meets my interest!
>> No. 456
Well, woke up this morning and decided I was going to take a trip over to 7chan only to find out that their illustrious archive is dead and gone! Sucks to hear about this but you may still get the answers you want. Follow the directions to request and queries and you should be OK!

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