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File 133446350184.gif - (3.55MB , 480x360 , 1334096849851.gif )
359 No. 359
Here's something I've been writing just for personal use. I hope it gives you as many happy faps as it's given me.

Contains: Masturbation, Futa, Penis Expansion

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Nicole's lips parted as her rapidly swelling clit spread her vulva. She placed her hands delicately on the front of her hips, leaning forward slightly to allow her erupting appendage clearance. She stared down in mute shock as the bulb-like tip of her clit jutted out, detailed in sharp relief beneath her striped cotton panties.

She bit the corner of her lower lip, concentrating her will on her hard, throbbing new development. “Grow” she said, quietly and earnestly. Her efforts were rewarded with a new surge of pressure and pleasure. It felt as though a rope were being slowly, inexorably pulled out from somewhere deep within her, like an anchor chain being disgorged from a ship. In sympathy with the ever increasing hardness welling out of her, there was a barely audible creaking, like a thick hemp rope being slowly stretched by a large weight.

“Grow” she said again, this time with more force. She grunted as her clit surged forward, tenting her panties with all the anxious exuberance of a tense young erection. As she stared it reached a full three inches out from her soft mons, throbbing as it grew longer. With a silky motion, like a flower unfurling, a distinct part appeared around the tip of her new member. Within a few heartbeats it flared and swelled, pulling up into the unique inverted heart shape of a full, turgid cock head.

“Bigger! Bigger”, she was squealing now. “Oh fuck, oh fuck. I've got a cock. Fuck, I've got a cock and it's only getting bigger!” she thought. She reached for it hungrily, using the back of one hand to lift the waistband of her panties, the other wrapped around her tender, slightly moist shaft. “Fuck, this is my cock. Mine.” It continued to swell as she gripped it. She put her fist around it, putting loving pressure on her sensitive new dick. A smile, widening by the second, came across her face as her shiny purple cock head pushed itself through her clenched fist.

“Fuck, it's getting big... I'm getting big” she moaned. In a brief moment of panic she thought “I'm growing a big, fat cock, and I don't think I want to stop. I'm already a freak. What happens if I keep growing?” After a few more moments of thoughtful consideration spent staring down at her ever expanding shaft, she came to a conclusion.

“Bigger” she breathed. Nicole was rewarded with a burst of growth from her cock. It was nearly big enough to start jacking off with both hands. She recalled she'd once had a boyfriend, one of her earliest encounters with sex, named Dave. She only came to realize afterward what a singular boy he was, especially with his singular endowment. She'd been able to fit both hands around him, leaving his sleek tapered cock head sticking out of her stacked fists. She giggled to herself, mouthing the word “Bigger” at her cock. Her shaft was soon rivaling her young love's, her own substantially fatter dick head now jutting lewdly from her fists. She took a deep breath.

“Goodbye, Dave” she cooed. She ordered her cock to grow, and reveled in the sheer immensity of her prick as it supplanted all contenders as the biggest dick she'd ever seen.

Pain and panic racked her as a new sensation flourished between her legs. With a violent gurgling quickly followed by a “pop”, Nicole was amazed to find a tight, wet ballsack hanging down where her slit used to be. It was only the size of a golf ball, but as she slid her panties down to examine it the tumnescent sack swelled larger.

Her large, swolen cock head kissed the underside of her tits as she leaned over, the wide slit leaving glistening strands of fluid as it bopped and juddered. Nicole's testicles bounced about in her sack as they swelled, briefly giving it the appearance of a royaling storm cloud. She let out a low, gutteral grunt as her nuts switched on, and her dick started pouring out precum.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
That's all for now. If you like it, I could be convinced to write more.
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>> No. 370
My god. Please write more! Also, random question, are you male or female? (Don't answer if you don't want to).
>> No. 371
>> No. 373
Please please please please
>> No. 374
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I have heard your requests and will soon be delivering more.

Now, I suppose, I'll have to decide how far Nicole's transformation goes. I might have her tits grow in tandem with her cock, or maybe her whole body until she's tall enough to poke the windows out of skyscrapers on both sides with her Boeing sized erection. Maybe I need to give her someone to stuff her new appendage into...

decisions decisions.
>> No. 377
I think she should fuck her old boyfriend.
>> No. 379
It should not be longer than a foot, or it gets to fantasy-ish. and giant girls arn't that great. She should definitely fuck her old boyfriend or one of her girl friends. tits shouldnt be too unrealistic. dont go past G's
>> No. 380
Exactly what he said.
>> No. 381
Exactly what he said.
>> No. 383
The opposite of exactly what he said.
>> No. 397
The opposite of what he said.

(But seriously, this was amazing).

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