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File 13299429569.gif - (256.05KB , 150x128 , faces.gif )
266 No. 266
/elit/ I come to you with a question about the future of our dirty little corner of the internet. With all the regulation that's being pushed on the internet, what is going to happen to Asstr.org, it's brother and sister sites and to 99chan's elit board? These sites contain alot of content which the rest of the world would condemn as repugnant, I can't see these sites being left alone in the coming purge.
And what about the users of these sites, will they be left alone to skulk off into the night?
>> No. 267
The current "tide" you are referring to is mostly regarding copyrighted material, ASSTR is no danger, at least not in the much more sexually open west. There will always be sections of society that want to see porn banned, but these people are in a slowly trickling minority (again, in the west). Even in the days when porn was banned, erotic literature and artwork was still abound. I don't think you have anything to be afraid of, frankly.
>> No. 271

There are currently no laws outlawing any form of written speech in the US. You may read and write whatever the hell you want, so long as it's not libellous or "obscene" (more on that in a moment.). Nobody has been prosecuted for producing or consuming exclusively written content in *years*.

Theoretically, a written text can be found "obscene", but obscenity requires that the content pass a strict, subjective three-prong legal test known as the Miller Test. The three prongs aren't really important in this discussion, so much as the fact that they've been made so mutually exclusive that almost nothing counts as obscenity anymore.

So, no, there's no imminent danger to erotic literature.

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