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File 132885116263.jpg - (76.08KB , 574x863 , 1045276-suki_5000_super.jpg )
232 No. 232
So I am searching for an older story that used to be on this board, it was from the sole surviving teen super soldier from a government experiment. He was in his mid teens i believe. First chapter had him dealing with the deaths of his friends, and him going after the daughter of one of the congressmen responsible for the termination of the program. Then it progressed to his highschool, him finding a prostitute with whom he became friends with and to work out his sexual aggression, the prostitutes sister was in chapter 3. And then a side story arc of finding another living supersoldier, and the repercussions of such. If only i could remember names heh, anyone happen to have a link or saved file? Very long, well done story with plenty of action and sex. Image not related
>> No. 255
The story is called "The Need" and I haven't seen it in over a year now. :(

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