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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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3399 No. 3399
First, sorry for the length of this text, because without these details it is impossible to explain my current situation.

4chan bros, I'm getting with a girl approximately one month and a half, we studied at the same school and headed out a few times during this period, because it is extremely complicated due to the parents, who are religious and old, do not let her go out at night and late period only with a friend and the gay friend (who has a boyfriend) and so she have to lie to get out every time. The first 2 weeks, everything was normal, have fun and she seemed to love, time to go hand in hand and we left she seemed to show that she was with me at school, however I was still just enjoying the relationship. The problem is there, fell in love with her, never clung to any girl who had relationships in my life, I was always cold. It turns out she is very beautiful, the kind that has almost every feature I like in a woman, besides making me very well. The real problem comes now, one day I go out with her, I went beta, we talked about getting and I'd like to be just me and her (jealous began to beat, however not declared myself). She replied that she could not make a commitment on behalf of parents, and afraid I get with other girls because she knows I go out every weekend, I will always at parties, drink and have a certain reputation at school. it shook me up a bit, after this dialogue looked like she had lost a little charm. we just over two weeks without leave because relatives arrived at her house and another week classes were out of school and her parents who took her. we talked a lot less in school and I found strange too .. When I thought all was lost (already in sadfeels.mp3) she tells me she can get out, and we agreed a movie in my house, everything was very good and even my mother arrived later and I presented it. Oh I supposedly failed again ... as I took her in a part of the way I came back on that subject and declared myself, I said all right, how much I liked her, I wanted something serious however could be hidden from parents, something like " be compromised "and she was speechless, she said she would answer me the other day in class. The other day she answers me no, because it is too early and returned those subjects that is difficult for the same reasons. It's been one week and not yield to come out again, we studied in two periods and is in phase of tests, I probably so will be able to go out with her again here about 10 days and so this making me very down, never meant both someone in my life, this girl shot an arrow me bros, a few hours seems so in love, other times seems disinterested, this girl is very complicated. I told her that I understand her situation, and knowing that we can go out a few times a month, but worth it and still want to fight to conquer it (I dare even to talk to her parents if necessary), I I do not see quite the same grace go to parties pick up women, I want her ... I'm running far behind her after the conversation and it looks like she's giving me less attention, perhaps to avoid that old subject, how to proceed? I continue staying with her and being the same guy who value it? or just try to mark her out and give an ice to see it miss? currently in school that I always look for it. before her coming up to me most of the time ... however she says she still wants to be with me ....

PS: Not underage brah, Im 18 yo, attending the last year of high school I was Reproached one year for absences, health problems

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