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File 144107331422.jpg - (11.27KB , 220x293 , Ernst_Zermelo_1900s.jpg )
3397 No. 3397
Fucking hell. I put so much time, effort, and love into making a relationship with a person and they just don't give a fuck. I try to give people my all over and over again, but not even the slightest effort is ever reciprocated. It happens time and time again, the same process. Modern relationships seem like a game of feigned disinterest. Nobody is ever honest or real anymore, and if they are they are terrified of it afterwards. People will express their love for you and then ignore as if you never existed, what is this sick joke. I wish I didn't have a sex drive so that I wouldn't feel the desire to go through this masochistic cycle over and over again, no matter how much I rationally realize how ridiculous it is. It's not even physical sex that is the problem, but people are so scared of who they are, or scared of someone who is honest. We are all so awash in the noise of life that we can't even hear our friend next to us screaming.
>> No. 3398
Despair not, my friend! It seems you've had a streak of bad luck in the relationship department, but that's not a bad thing in and of itself. Without knowing more details to your relationships' circumstances, I don't have much to go on, but here's what I do know, and you should take heart from it.

The search for a meaningful relationship is just that: a search. Few and far between are those who find one on the first couple tries. In fact, it generally takes many tries to find "the one", so things not working out "time and time again" (as you put it) is par for the course.
Most often, when a relationship fails, we learn that a certain person is not right for us, that we aren't right for them. Sometimes right away, or sometimes after several tries, we learn about ourselves as well - the things we really want out of a significant other and the things we have to offer them in return. Over time we learn a great many such things, but only if we keep trying, and it seems that you're having a certain amount of success to that end.

What matters is what you do with what you've learned. Now, I happen to know that not all "people are so scared of who they are, or scared of someone who is honest". I find it more likely that you've simply gravitated toward those who are, for whatever reason (the best I can divine from the information you provide is that you enter into relationships with a heavy intent to satisfy a sexual urge, which is a poor premise to found a relationship on, imo). My recommendation is for you to reflect on those relationships and see if you might discover warning signs and indicators that will help you identify such people early on, so that you might avoid investing so much time on someone in the future before realizing that they aren't right for you.
>> No. 3400

Thanks, I need to take a step back and stop thinking about women so much.
>> No. 3426
Thank you. anon. Your post instilled in me a little more faith in humanity.
I try to remind myself people like this still exist despite my brain constantly trying to convince they don't. It's reassuring to see i'm wrong. But also it's hard for me to believe you're being 100% honest.

My problem would have to be the opposite exactly: i often feel the person i'm engaging is giving me way too much then what i actually deserved. Showing an interest that is disproportionate to what i know i showed of myself so far.
Too much, too soon. It seems fake, as in I feel perfectly interchangeable with whichever random bitch who can listen and smile.
It's not even about trying to get laid! Damn, I wish it was. It would make much more sense.

Maybe you just need to give other people the time to feel at ease to reciprocate.
Or maybe you do attract the wrong type of girls.

Btw i read your post again and realized i got dragged away by my thoughts and this turned out to probably not be relevant at all.
Still, this is pretty much my only insight on the matter, so there you go.

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