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File 14320907823.jpg - (64.96KB , 500x311 , image.jpg )
3356 No. 3356
Is it normal to think about suicide, and if so, how often? I always thought it was fine, but it's become a daily (if not more frequent) thought to me. Mind you, I'm not thinking "I should kill myself" but rather "Should I kill myself?", so I see it more as a type of evaluation. Usually the answer is "no" but even when it's affirmative, I know that I won't follow through. I also think about how I'd do it, the note, the consequences etc., but all with the knowledge that I most likely won't do it. Is there anything I should keep watch of/change to make sure this doesn't become something more troublesome?

No pictures relevant to suicide so I picked the closest thing.
>> No. 3357
That's.... still really bad. I would talk to somebody professional about this, because you're literally planning how you're going to do it. That's a really fucking bad sign, please go get help.
>> No. 3358
I'd be reflecting on what sorts of thoughts are causing you to entertain suicidal ideas... Are you truly just thinking about it hypothetically, or are there things going on in your life causing you to think about ending it all?
>> No. 3360
I spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about the future, so it might be related to that. The idea of failing at a long-term goal is really disheartening and in such a situation I might see death as a preferable alternative to life as a failure.
>> No. 3364
Road to a high rever of understanding is through suicide aswell.
>> No. 3380
This is Lesswrong level stuff.

This was so

unexpected :3 sometimes things just fit

snugly into place

Was just about to

fap, brush teeth and sleep.

Reinterpret tiredness!
>> No. 3386
Not OP but I do entertain the same thoughts on suicide.

It's more of a peaceful acceptance than a raging momentary upset. I've lived a hard life and while it's not particularly bad at the moment I just don't see myself enjoying the future. I don't want children or have them. I don't even want a girlfriend becoming more asexual as I age. My parents are gone and I was an only child.

I've been to war, jail, stripclubs, churches, college twice. I've done my service and seen the sights, I have no one to take care of and a few friends that will miss me but I just want to rest... Is that a bad thing?

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