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3353 No. 3353
I'm not saying that the whole "SJW" thing is going to kill the world, but bad behaviors should be discouraged. Dropping these behaviors can only help the person doing so, and may prevent them from becoming adopted as escape mechanisms for those with weak minds that may base their identities on it (mentally deficient folks and kids mostly).
One of the biggest problems in this whole "culture" is the lack of actual tolerance. Not only in the ability to withstand things (endurance), but the state of being wherein you allow something to exist for whatever reason (moral, legal, philosophical tolerance of an unpleasant thing). If you are tolerated, you are not liked. You are allowed to be as you are because trying to force change on you would come with a cost bigger than the benefit which the change is likely to create.
Why is there no more tolerance? Do people really think they can get everything the way they want? Is it entitlement? Is it a lack of life xp? Is it delusion of the self into a victim complex? It seems more and more like you either love someone/something a great big bunch or you're satan and you eat babies you monster, you.

What do you call the people that list "genders", "triggers" and whatnot? Is SJW the best term?
>> No. 3354
Just ignore the self-absorbed assholes who feel the need to be that way and try to live your life well and justly. Those people don't even deserve your attention. Change happens at the individual level, and these people have shirked themselves of the responsibility of individual virtue by blaming it all on "they system".
>> No. 3359
Don't call them anything or call them what they want to be called.

I know a lot of trans or queer people and have known a couple people who identify with gender-neutral pronouns. This "SJW" stereotype is basically internet-only.

The power to self-identify and self-actualize is an important one. Stop agonizing over petty people on the internet. The people who are interested in issues of privilege, gender, feminism, and social justice in real life tend to be pretty fucking awesome people.

In other words, stop searching the internet for passive aggressive people who will make you angry with their victim complex and start engaging on the day to day with people who are progressively minded, maybe live alternative lifestyles, and are interested in social power structures and narratives and think critically about such things because those are all awesome qualities.
>> No. 3365
I don't like to throw them all into one category, because you can't. Social justice is an issue that might always be considered with people

Sometimes I find that people online on omegle or other chat sites, often enough having an SnM vibe or inherent power structure to them--where people are either into domination or they seem very supine, are probably mentally ill or like another said, children.

Typically they're pretty immature and I tend not to concern myself with this since they're probably growing in some way. The only feminist I've known was a librarian at my high school and she was genuinely concerned with helping the world. She was christian and did yoga and talked to troubled youth about chakra, but in the end of the day if she asked me if I was a feminist or if I'm aligning to what she's saying: I would agree with her and say I'm a feminist.

I think the turmoil people see about this is either contrived and almost purely some type of applied rhetoric in the minds of those spouting it or it's people who are confused, troubled, ornery or stubborn and choose not to align with anyone who might threaten their own beliefs. It's really sad, but it attracts people who are weak, and in more ways than just one: The people looking for a purpose and fulfillment, and people who just kind of want to fuck shit up for their own benefit.

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