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File 143075137525.jpg - (44.07KB , 848x565 , Anxiety.jpg )
3349 No. 3349
Can anxiety lead to pain during urination or the feeling of a frequent need to urinate?

Yesterday I woke up around midday and peed with no problem. Skip ahead to about 7pm and I went to the toilet too pee. Everything was fine as I started, but a few moments into my piss, it started to hurt. After I finished peeing, it continued to hurt for about a minute or so. This follow up pain was even worse the the pain felt while urinating.
Around 9pm, I went to the toilet again and had the same pains.
Just before 11pm I had a shower, during said shower I pissed in the shower and there was no pain.
A bit after midnight, I pee once again and the pain was back.
I masturbated and that was normal.
I went to bed a few hours later, before which I had another painful piss.

The next morning I woke up and peed with no pain. However since then it's felt like something is pushing or exerting pressure on my lower stomach, probably halfway between my groin and bellybutton. Since then I've had the frequent urge to urinate. I seem to be peeing at least once every couple of hours or so, but some times it becomes as frequent as every 45 minutes.

Now the reason I'm asking about this having a connection to anxiety, is that over the last couple of weeks I've been feeling more anxious then I've ever felt before.

It started a couple of weeks ago;
After about a week and half without work, my boss called and told me that there was some work coming up.

This happens every now and again, I go a week, two weeks, some times even three weeks without work, then I get word that there's work coming up normally starting back the following day. This almost always leaves me feeling anxious for the rest of the day and night, right up until I get to work at which point the anxiety seems to disappear.
But this time it didn't disappear. The anxiety has stayed with me for the last couple of weeks. Some days it's not to bad, like I can ignore it if I focus on something else. But other days I just can't shake it. Then the the night before yesterday I had what I can only assume was a minor panic attack. I was having dinner with my family and my uncle at my grandma's place, during which my anxiety seemed to spike and I ended up out side by myself, feeling like absolute shit.

So is it possible that my anxiety is having some sort of physical effect on me and fucking with my bladder or what not, or is this something else?
>> No. 3355
Relax, anxiety can certainly cause strong physical reactions. You need to talk to a urologist, there is a chance it could be a kidney stone. Get it laser zapped.
>> No. 3361
Maaaan I'm 35 and I've had anxiety problems as far back as I can remember. It will definitely cause physical side effects. The problem is, it may be just due to the anxiety or it may be an actual physical issue. I have a lot of problems breathing and with chest pain, but I've been cleared multiple times of any serious issues. What you're describing sounds like a bladder infection or something, but could definitely be related to anxiety. I've only recently in the past 2 years or so been able to really get a hold on my condition and I've been taking meds since I was 18. Keep an eye on it. See if it comes back when you're slow on work, or any other stress inducing event happens. If you really start feeling sick, obviously you need to see a doctor.

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