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3321 No. 3321
At some friend's urging, I recently tried to get involved with an online dating. I've admittedly been in a rut since my last relationship ended and have been pretty angry with myself for not bouncing back. But about ten minutes after creating a profile I became disgusted with the whole process. I felt disingenuous trying to advertise myself. This is going to sound really neckbearded but I don't feel very happy, and it felt doubly wrong to try to show myself in that light. I feel like I wouldn't be able to make anyone happy.

On top of that, I quickly grew concerned and upset by the process of contacting the other people on the site. I felt guilty for not being physically attracted to people; and I feel that I don't have a right to reject someone if they had a child. Ultimately, I feel like I don't deserve to approach someone.

I'm sorry, this is ranting and "beta" and all I'm blathering about are my hang ups and feelings.
>> No. 3322
>but I don't feel very happy, and it felt doubly wrong to try to show myself in that light. I feel like I wouldn't be able to make anyone happy.

I don't think you should be dating if that's how you feel. I think you should wait until you feel happy, then start.

>Ultimately, I feel like I don't deserve to approach someone.

You use your discretion when dating; it's natural. Don't feel too bad about that because it's normal to have one, or several, filters. It's a good sign actually (I think at the moment dating someone with a child is an even worse idea for you, and for them).

Online dating is strange, quite different to what you're used to (and myself I think). It's okay, it's not bad, maybe it's not your cup of tea, maybe you'll do it later.

Don't worry about this 'beta' nonsense, just do what makes you happy. And your friend's urging; well they just have your best interests at heart.
>> No. 3323
Try Tinder. You're not selling yourself at all. It actually felt like meeting someone in real life to me, with the added bonus of knowing that they have pre-approved you to approach them.
>> No. 3324

All dating success takes is persistence. All persistence takes is caring enough. If you're complaining about it, you probably don't care enough.

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