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3271 No. 3271

I have no motivation in life. Simply lack the will and ability to go around and do something in my life. I realize I'm in a slow downward spiral.

Any time I have to face adversity or go out of my comfort zone I either curl inside my room or I just fuck up things so bad I don't want to do it again for a while.

My father used to go around and motivate me. But now he is dead. Guess he was always right: I'd let my life go past me if it was up to me
>> No. 3272
>I have no motivation in life.

Stop waiting to find or get motivation. Ironically, you get motivation AFTER doing things.

>Simply lack the will and ability to go around and do something in my life.

This is your opinion and you need to change it. It is not fact, this is your choice to limit yourself.

>realize I'm in a slow downward spiral.

Act now and change.

>Any time I have to face adversity or go out of my comfort zone I either curl inside my room or I just fuck up things so bad I don't want to do it again for a while.

Unless you physically harm someone or insult them directly, it's not really fucking things up so badly. You think it's bad, but that is in your head not everyone else's.

>My father used to go around and motivate me. But now he is dead.

You lost your father which is tragic, perhaps his presence and support helped you to feel motivated. He didn't have any magical power, he just cared.

>Guess he was always right: I'd let my life go past me if it was up to me

It's your choice whether he's right or not boyo.
>> No. 3282
>> No. 3286
OP here.
>you get motivation AFTER doing things.
That is one thing about life I never really realized. Thanks for that.
The rest of your points I know one way or another.
Just feels good getting reassured so I don't hit the depressive cycle again.

It's kinda weird, but I feel getting advice from some anonymous person who doesn't know my situation is actually more helping me than going to a therapist or talking with other people. It's like hearing a truth that pierces trough the bullshit fog that is all around me.
>> No. 3290
>>3286 We who congregate on this place tend to be a proud lot, and asking for help is easier when you are begging of those who you do not truly know than someone whose face you have to watch.

Make yourself a list. Any kind of list, really. Dedicate yourself to it. It'll begin a habitual neurotic approach to life which will motivate you forever.
>> No. 3291
I am not too concerned about success. Neither should you.

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