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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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3270 No. 3270
/docta/, I realized recently that my dating habits fall into a strange pattern.

I'll meet a girl, and she'll be the most amazing thing in the world for a small amount of time. Then i'll suddenly lose interest, and either cheat on her/break up with her. As a result my longest real relationship is 5 months. How do I stop this? Why am I like this?
>> No. 3273
What exactly makes you lose interest? You're noting one pattern here, has there been a similar pattern in what, exactly, the turn of events is? Do you compare her to some ideal? Do you prefer the chase to the conquest? Do you fear relationships? Intimacy? What more can you tell us about the surrounding circumstances?
>> No. 3275
I think it's partially that the girls I date i'm not intensely into in the first place. In fact, usually a woman I date approaches ME.

The second half of it would be I try not to get close to people at all, let alone girlfriends. On a general level I really don't want to open myself open and get hurt, because I don't wnant the negative things I think about myself to be confirmed ( I hate myself pretty badly and have no idea why.)

I also used to previously hate love, think love was an ugly disgusting superficial thing. But that's probably because it's easier to shit-talk things than to apply a little introspection and realize why you view those things like that. And I think it's because i'm terrified of getting hurt romantically. Actually needing anything or anyone scares me, because I'm really afraid of losing something I genuinely need. Like, soul-need. Girls are no exception.
>> No. 3279
Two solutions, which are not mutually exclusive and can be pursued in tandem:

1) Be more proactive in your dating life. Pursue the kinds of girls you want to date. Being the active rather than passive partner will lead to you feeling empowered and more enthusiastic about the girls you date.
2) Consider that maybe you're just not ready emotionally, intellectually, physically, for a monogamous relationship. Can't hold down a long-term relationship? Get bored with a girl after dating her for more than a few weeks? Have flings. Date more than one girl simultaneously. Have one night stands if you want. Have fuckbuddies. Just be sure that you're being upfront about this, communicate your desires and boundaries, and don't lead anyone to think what they have with you is more than it is.
>> No. 3280
And of course:
3) Seek counseling for your self loathing and fear of abandonment. Many college or university campuses (if you're a student) or community services and organizations (if you're not a student) provide free or affordable counseling options. There will probably be a waitlist but having a trained professional to bounce thoughts and ideas off of and get some feedback will probably be a good tihng.
>> No. 3298
This is good. Feel your natural instinct flow through you.

Nothing is more threatening yet simultaneously attractive to a woman than a man who is aware of his own value to women.
>> No. 3308

Yeah, keep an emotional distance from everyone you're in a relationship. On the one hand, you're going to be emotionally dead on the inside and completely unable to sustain anything long-term. You'll probably miss out on opportunities with the girls you're most compatible with. On the other hand, you'll be able to make your 'women I've slept with chart' have high numbers, and as we all know, life is about having the most numbers, not being happy. That's why it's also good to hoard material goods, and go for the job with the biggest paycheck every time.
>> No. 3309

>Nothing is more threatening yet simultaneously attractive to a woman than a man who is aware of his own value to women.

This sentence is complete bullshit. The most attractive quality in any human being is self-confidence, you don't have to put a dated bias into it.

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