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File 141006993488.jpg - (17.19KB , 375x281 , georgesgirlfriendsseinfeld.jpg )
3214 No. 3214
I've never had sex without a condom. But it seems to me I always keep my boner, until I change my condom. Getting sucked after doesn't work because after vigorous thrusting delicate touch doesn't even register.

When I fap I can get it to where I cum a little, and hold it, then I can keep fapping, keep cumming, and especially if I'm blazed, I can keep my boner indefinitely until I have to clean off. It's especially frustrating if I have to piss afterward, damn boner won't go away.

Do condoms need to be changed every cum?

I want a monogamous relationship so I can test out my hypothesis that I can fuck indefinitely without a condom. I feel like they are the bane of my existence right now.

inb4 the sponge (I use condoms for the stds)
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>> No. 3215
Uh, yeah, you need to change condoms after "every cum." How do you not know that? Also, are you sure you aren't using one of those condoms that intentionally have either lidocaine or benzocaine on them to cause numbness of the penis, to help avoid premature ejaculation supposedly?
>> No. 3218
File 141023678118.jpg - (15.08KB , 300x207 , george costanza.jpg )

I sure hope not. Really, it's the interruption. I want to keep going, but it'll take me a few minutes to get another condom out, and I can't just stick it in with cum dripping from my cock.

It's the same thing when putting the condom on initially. Sometimes it just doesn't work.

This video explains my conundrum.

>> No. 3224
Find an ongoing relationship so you can blast in her without a condom
>> No. 3226
File 141107311035.jpg - (78.27KB , 679x600 , goorge.jpg )
Yeah, I'm already in trouble with alot of people for talking to their girls. Like it's my fault all the girls easy to talk to are already in relationships. Though if I find one confirmed for cuckold, I might be tempted. I wonder if my ethnicity will show.
>> No. 3227
>I'm already in trouble with alot of people for talking to their girls.
>talking to their girls
>their girls
Because girls are property that people own.
And two adults talking is like the worst thing ever.

Tell those people to chill the fuck out.
>> No. 3232
File 141164068538.jpg - (64.78KB , 480x357 , HitlerBuilding.jpg )
>And two adults talking is like the worst thing ever.

In many ways it is.

You would have me go to the Caribbean, and preach to the cannibals the errors of their ways. Oh, white man's burden. I've got to enlighten these poor savages.

Perhaps the reason I take these criticisms seriously is because it is in keeping with my intrinsic character to do so. Perhaps I view relationships as something beautiful and fragile, like a statuette of glass, certainly not a thing to trample on like a rutting elephant. If I'm the only person who sees this way, then all the more reason to stick to my guns.

I believe I have a fetish for strong emotions. I am also aroused by the sight of tears. I will attempt to find a girl who is willing to get emotional before sex, as farfetched as that sounds, and see if it works. If it doesn't work I'll go become a Buddhist warrior monk and fight for democracy in Hong Kong.
>> No. 3236
I was going to respond to your BS about fragile porcelain relationships by saying that two people having a chat is not stomping all over someone's delicate relationship - and if it is that relationship was bullshit built on possessive insecurity and jealousy from the start - but then I read the rest of your post and realized you're just insane and delusional.

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