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3181 No. 3181
Man, I'm so torn right now.

Okay, so I'm returning to school in a town about an hour away (where I lived for a long time). A friend- who has just returned home from a failed stint from living overseas- wants to start anew there too (not going to school, just starting anew). So we said "Hey, let's get a place together!"

Well house/apartment-hunting has been utter shite. I have a steady paying job (along with a school stipend), she's on $1100/mth unemployment, but most apartments are either filled to capacity, require you to make 3-4x the actual rent amount to be accepted, and/or in shithole ghetto areas. House hunting has yielded a single townhouse (that she LOVES) that won't be available until the last part of next month: I start classes next week. I mean I guess I could commute from where I am now until it's ready, but I really don't want to have to do that.

Then today, I get a call from an acquaintance (that my friend doesn't know) that lives there. She says "Hey, my roommate just moved out and I have an open room if you need it!" It's in a nice part of town- a part of town I used to live in- closer to my school, it's nearer to most of where my other friends live. I can move in immediately, she says. Also she says she already paid the deposit and such a while ago so I have no need to worry about that, just get her the rent and utilities the day I move in.

The latter sounds really good, but doing so would throw my aforementioned friend under the bus. She's de facto homeless, couch-surfing etc. and like I said she's unemployed. She needs a place to live ASAP. I guess I *could* commute to school (my classes will be getting out at 9pm though) and work for another month, but it'd be a pain and it would kinda put some limits on my work schedule..... Actually, my boss has been saying things like "Sooo.... you told me 2 weeks ago you'd be in town and have more flexible hours. Like we agreed upon.... How's that house hunting going?...."

.....I dunno, I hate doing this to my soul sista, but this is a really good offer that could save me a significant amount of time and money. Should I keep my honor toward my friend, or do what would be more advantageous for myself? Halp.
>> No. 3186
You've already made an agreement with a friend. You either have to stick to that, or break that. If you break that, your friend will likely be upset. Having said that, it's not your duty to house her.

You can stand commuting although it won't be ideal; perhaps it would be worth holding out for a month and finding something that works for you both?

You could explain the offer you've received to her, and state (quite factually I might add) the practicialities for you. Mind, without stating that you want to. It might upset her, it might not (I don't know her) but if you think that she can listen and understand as an adult, this might be the best course.

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