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File 140835317444.jpg - (759.60KB , 1024x768 , Penguins.jpg )
3174 No. 3174
I'm 21. Is there ever a time as mysterious and exciting as during adolescence? I was such a pussy and did'n't enjoy it. Do I have nothing of the kind to look forward to?
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>> No. 3176
You're only now starting to enter the proper good times. You didn't miss anything. Teenage years are severely overrated. Don't be the kind of people who never grow out of it.
>> No. 3177
File 140838959539.jpg - (47.59KB , 615x618 , B4lAE4M.jpg )
Your 20's will be filled with adventures, blunders and insights if you stop being a pussy. There's nothing to worry about.
>> No. 3182
Your time is what you make it. You have somewhat more responsibility now than you did when you were a teenager (probably) but that shouldn't stop you from having fun.
>> No. 3183
Adolescence is the worst.

Now you're at the very beginning of figuring out who you are, how you interact with the world, what you want, and what's important to you. Your 20s will be a shitshow, but much less than your teens, especially as you approach your mid-late 20s.

30s are where it's at tho
>> No. 3189
Thanks for all the great replies guys. Someone recently told me that get all worked up because on some level it makes them feel important. Their job stress is almost like a dysfunctional badge of honor they wear, that so many people wear. The craziness of their life and schedule somehow tells the world how important they and their responsibilities are. I refuse to buy into that anymore, I used to. There’s no reason to get that stressed, it’s totally unnecessary.”

She was so right. I might get worked up before a public speaking event or a major media appearance because on some level I believe I’m supposed to be stressed, that the occasion merits it. After all, most people would be totally freaking out at the prospect. At this point, now that I have plenty of experience and confidence in my speaking abilities, maybe the habitual fuss is just that - a habit. A mindless, useless, unproductive habit.

I suppose everyone that has been said is true, and I can look forward to a life with less stress.

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