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3164 No. 3164
My friend overdosed a few days ago. I don't know if it was a suicide or not (though in all likelihood, it was accidental). I don't really know what to say. I am not sure why I'm posting this. I am not asking for advice, I don't think. I guess everyone here is far enough away that I don't have to think of you as people.

I am sad. I am sad that I can't talk to the guy anymore. We used to go on long late night walks where we'd ramble and bitch. We saw eye-to-eye on a lot of things. I can't say that I've met too many people like that.

He was a great guy. And I'll never be able to see him again. The finality is what gets me, I think. There's no wiggle room.

There was a lot of pain in his life. He didn't have an abusive childhood or anything like that. But he seemed incapable of finding what he was looking for, as cheesey as that sounds. I don't want to say he was never happy but happiness was definitely not the norm. He wasn't socially awkward but he did have trouble connecting with people. That was one of the things that we bonded over. We both had a hard time understanding the world. Honestly, the first thing I thought of when I heard he died was to ask for his advice. I guess I'm feeling a bit more alone than I was a few days ago, as if the last lifelines to humanity I have are slowly wilting.

I haven't had that many close friends in my life. And I haven't made any new friends since I've moved. These emotions aren't unique to me but I'm just struck at how... at how overpowering they are. I'm going to miss that guy.

I already do.
>> No. 3188
Sometimes it's just he's choice. As his friend, maybe you just gotta respect that.

Suicide isn't an easy choice. He probably thought it through. In my country, train suicides are probably the simplest. Reliable statistics on the likely mortality rate of being hit by an overground or underground train are hard to locate. Wikipedia quotes a 90% mortality rate for jumping in front of a high speed train (not when it is slowing down as it comes in to a platform though), and 67% for subway/underground trains, as people are generally jumping as the trains are slowing down coming into a station. For those kind of statistics, where failure means being paraplegic and not having the chance to kill yourself if you really did people yourself in a super bad situation, then you really got a go into in with a lot of hope. And since there is nothing after death, it's hope that the people around you will actually be more or less cool with it. He's not there to bothered by it, and he probably took your concerns into consideration. Just don't be a little bitch about it.

Anecdotally, the ease of jumping under a tube/subway train does make it an appealing method, although once again the unconscious survival instinct must be overcome in order to jump. Jumping just as a train comes out from a tunnel is the preferred spot as that gives the driver less chance for emergency braking manoeuvres.

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