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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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File 140806410755.jpg - (436.36KB , 1600x1003 , FeiningerBirdCloud1926.jpg )
3159 No. 3159
Man Docta,

I just posted a 2400 word essay detailing the way I got to know a girl that I developed feelings for. I deleted it because it read too autistic. I started drinking at 14:00. It is 3:00 right now. I spent over three hours, four beers, four shots of vodka and glass of cheap whisky writing that massive piece of ass. I wrote it hoping to ease my misery, but instead I'm crying. On the other hand, I spent my entire afternoon laughing it off, telling people that I will be fine, but I just know that it fucking won't. I lost a friend and so did she and it won't come back together.

The issue is that I like her. A lot. I always liked her, from the moment I first saw her even though I already had a girl back then. She says she doesn't want to be with me, that she only regards me as a friend. But she already admitted twice in the past week that she sees me as more than a friend. She told me I was the first guy she ever fell in love with that didn't have serious autistic tendencies (a weird compliment, but she's into me nonetheless), as well as saying that she doesn't know herself why she doesn't just give me a chance. Goddamn women.
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>> No. 3160
I'm sorry for being so cryptic, here's a short rundown:

I went on holidays with two friends of mine and decided to try and take things further with the girl. I believe she wants it, and I believe she has wanted it for as long as we've known each other. Hell, I even believe she still wants it and that only her personal issues are holding us back.

God fucking damnit. I wish I was better at swearing in English. I want to scream minute long sentences of expletives honestly.

In text.

>> No. 3162
Please reply and make a little more sense if you actually want proper help.

Alcohol is just going to make you worse in the long run, so try hard to limit how much you drink, preferably don't drink for a week or two.

>Goddamn women.

It isn't women, just one particular person that you have this issue with.

Also, although I understand very little, it sounds like you are waiting for someone else (waiting for a conclusion that might never come) and this is a bad thing to do. You kind of have to restructure your thought pattern, because what you are doing is not helpful. It is like waiting at a train station, without knowing if the train will ever arrivve. Your relationships don't have to be painful and confusing, and they don't have to be about you waiting.

Maybe once you are feeling sober you could reflect on what we have both written, the board might well be able to give better advice too.
>> No. 3166
I lied to the girl I used to like that I still liked her, and she thought it was weird cause she got out of a relationship recently and knew I was putting her on a pedestal. Additionally her conception of what relationships should be based is really getting to know each other first. I also lied that I was working on a startup with my friend Arvind...

It seems she only flipped when I gave her a gift and a car I wrote her....it was too soon after actually meeting her (we didn't know each other when I used to like her) and I stupidly said my lips were chapped or I would kiss her before we leave (dumbest thing to say....)

But you know what, OP, I feel better know than I have in any past attempts at girls that tend to end in relationships. The feeling of closure in failure is just as good as the fantasy. And fucking the fantasy leaves you more open to real world glory and power. Love and attraction are the weapons of other people. Giving in to them is not winnning, it's giving up. And you, my friend, are on the verge of loosing a battle.

We are not your cavalry. Only your advisors. You fight alone, unfortunately, for we are faceless counsel behind a screen. You must win this. You must win it to redeem your senses, self and independence. Overcome your autism. Remember, your obssessive love for her is a symtom of your autism.
>> No. 3167
I literally told her when you are ready, I will sweep you off your feet like no other future could ever exist.
>> No. 3196
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Hah, I am terribly sorry for my post. Re-reading my OP I can understand the confusion. First off, I would like to say that I'm not alcoholic, I just have a mild tendency to get completely pissed once in a while (say, once or twice a year). It's not a solution to my problems, just a way to blow off some steam personally. Secondly, I would like to say that everything turned out better than expected. As a matter of fact, it all turned out great and we are together now.

I am also aware that my issues are not with women, I'm not that kind of guy, I was just incredibly frustrated with her stereotypical fickleness and constantly changing her mind even though to me it was completely obvious that she wanted to be with me. If you'd like I could give you a short rundown of what happened, but I don't think it will be necessary or all that interesting to you. I do feel the need to point out that this person is someone who has been increasingly close to me over the past year and a half, not 'some girl I saw across the street that I am now completely infatuated with,' though I now understand how my OP kinda suggests that.

You also mentioned that it seemed as if I was waiting for someone, I understand how you could conclude that from my OP though I do not recognize myself in it. I have enough experience with relationships to know when to let go. It would have mostly been the loss of a close friend and someone that I had always taken a great liking to that bothered me. I'm not going to lie that it wouldn't affect me, but I do know that I would be able to let it go sooner rather than later. I'm sorry if I gave that impression, I'm not that good at expressing myself in English even when sober.

Anyway, thank you for your reply. The offer of help means a lot. I think I was mostly looking for a place to vent my frustration and the internet is sometimes more suited for that than friends. I hope I made more sense this time around.


Woah man, I was originally going to thank you for sharing a story but then you got into the whole 'your love is obsessive' deal. I don't even understand entirely what you're going on about, but thank you for helping me experience what people reading my OP experienced.

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