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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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3140 No. 3140
Hey /docta/.

I'm currently a high school teacher. I've only been doing it for a few years, and I usually enjoy it, but it's also often stressful and it's a lot of extra hours and energy for not a lot of pay. I'm fine for now, but I can imagine myself hating it 20 years from now. I'm wondering whether it might be a good idea to switch things up before it gets to that point.

So what are some jobs that use similar skills? What kind of transition would make sense?
>> No. 3141
Firstly, psychologists differentiate distress, which is the most commonly referred to type of stress, having negative implications, with eustress which is usually related to desirable events in a person's life. Eustress is not defined by the stressor type, but rather how one perceives that stressor (e.g. a negative threat versus a positive challenge). Because I see all kinds of pressures as opportunities I don’t think of them as something to be dealt with to return to some kind of base state but instead I see pressure as platform to make myself and others feel good about themselves.

When you ANTICIPATE it being more stressful in the future, you are practicing what is called ''defensive pessimisim''. It is actually a strategy that reduces anxiety. However, it is only useful in certain situations. Otherwise, it can create unnecersary stress and force your hand where otherwise you could have held out for a royal flush.

The same goes for the counter-part - strategic optimism, so don't be fooled in thinking these terms are the scientific correlates of optimism and pessimism.

It seems you adopt the third of the three strategies, 'self handicapping' to deal with the final ounce of pressure. You are asking for similar skills and sensible transitions cause you feel dependent on our advice to make a decision where you don't think you can do so on your own. We might have the most bullshit answer and the best explanation, but it's still bullshit. And, you don't NEED one with similar skills to excel in it. Look at your situation more holistically AND more critically. Don't let anything you decide was a mistake help you decide a future decision - it was a fucking mistake after all and you don't want to hang on to that crisis situation for the rest of your life.

But more importantly, consider whether your situation is really that bad, or whether you're just catastrophising it by focusing on all the bad feelings of the next 20 years in this very moment. In reality, we only have to deal with each moment at a time and the good and bad in that moment to survive and be happy. You might even find that there isn't that much good OR bad in a moment.

There's just you and your skills. And those are the skills allow you to get any job you want.
>> No. 3142
That makes a lot of sense.
Truth is, I'm going through a rough time right now for a few reasons that I won't get into and yes, I'm finding myself dwelling on negative things much more than I usually do. So this is good advice. Thank you.
>> No. 3143
You could always go back to school.
>> No. 3198

Fair enough OP.
>> No. 3301
Ruminating and venting isn’t processing. It’s pouring fuel on the fire.

Most problems have causes which no amount of reflection will uncover.

overthinking was designed by evolution to trigger depression and abandonment, not effective problem solving.

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