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File 140649646317.jpg - (32.52KB , 400x353 , 137349581737.jpg )
3130 No. 3130
last night i played a lucid dream binaural beat/digital drug before i went to sleep. (i've been doing this for a few nights now..." anyway, I remember having the dream that I was playing some game of life and I had to decide to pick what kind of seizure I would have or something. anyway LONG story short, I just had a legit seizure in my hallway about 10 minutes ago and crashed my face into my wall, fell to the ground and fkd a couple of my toes up. But I swear I remember having the dream...it feels like I had it kind of right before I woke up..which was a couple of hours ago.

THIS IS FKN WEIRD!! what do you think it means?

(I've been vaping marijuana again. I bought my first 8th in like 6 months of not buying/really smoking weed. been vaping every night/day for about 10 days...listening to digital drugs at night before I go to sleep...this is all just very bizarre. i feel closer to death and i'm only 20

Hey if anyone wants to try listening to Lucid dream binaural beats before you sleep every night and tell me what happens that'd be cool. I kind of feel like there is a parallel universe that is creating a story for us. Kind of like the first never ending story movie. This is fkn amazing...
could it be some form of seeing into the future?

this isn't the same ddrug i listened to last night but I assume it has the same effect.

anybody have weird experiences with lucid dream digital drugs or any digital drugs for that matter?
>> No. 3131
OP, cut the drugs for a while, and don't listen to the binaural beats. I imagine they can trigger seizures. Consider calling a doctor or asking someone qualified whether or not you need to see someone about the seizure.

The weird thing is that your seizure should have coincided with the stimuli, so it's just as likely that the sound file did nothing and it's drugs.

The weirdest thing I've experienced on them are placebos.
>> No. 3135
I've never told anyone to smoke less ganj before, but damn son I don't know of you're cut out for casual drugs.

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