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3110 No. 3110
I'm almost invariably attracted to attentionseeking girls. I kind of want to ask what the underlying reason is, but mostly I just care about how I deal with this, because I don't want to be together with people that make me feel bad. Or maybe I can have a good relationship with someone like that? I'd like that, but I'm not sure it's a realistic expectation.

It's like they act like they're insecure, and I just want to come along and say they're fine; show them that I understand what it's like. But last (and first) time I did that I ended up getting stood up several times and having her phone me telling she had taken a bunch of pills. She hadn't.
>> No. 3113
In my book, there's good attention-seeking and there's bad attention-seeking.

A girl who just likes to be the center of attention, maybe by being really outgoing, maybe by dominating conversations, maybe by being a little self-centered, maybe by dressing ostentatiously or being high-maintenance in terms of make-up/hair/clothes... that could be fun. Not really my thing, I like more laid back girls, but I can see being into that.

A girl who lies about taking pills - or worse, actually takes pills - for attention is nothing but a walking disaster that you should steer clear of at all costs.

There is a healthy way to find a girl with the type of personality you like without the self-destructive habits.

A girl who likes being the center of attention? Sure.
A girl who disrespectfully stands you up a bunch and attempts suicide? Run.
>> No. 3116
But there's a midpoint somewhere. Fishing for compliments, probably having low self esteem, being vain, maybe body image problems. What about those?
>> No. 3117
I met a girl, Sarah, in my first year of engineering. She was going to study mechanical engineering and I was going to study electrical. I fell in love with her that day and I haven't seen her since I let her go first through a crowded hall....

She wasn't an attention seeker, but an achiever and THAT really gets me. That's probably underlain by attention seeking in a more socially acceptable way, however.
>> No. 3118
Being an achiever can be caused by all manner of things, even partially by dumb luck. I think it's Raikonnen who's one of those finnish race drivers who is one of the best in the world, but still plays it down. He's not doing it for attention.

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