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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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3105 No. 3105
In my dreams or idly thinking during the day, I've come to realise that my mind is becoming more and more adept at simulating the sensations, visages and even aromas and tastes of the female anatomy. This is beyond usual sex related day dreams, and has evolved into mental replication of interaction with women. It all seems so very real to me, and yet most of these sensations I have never really felt before. It has become distracting and almost even debilitating to a point where I just sit around and let my mind wander. I've literally become so "thursty" that I honestly think I NEED to get laid. It's seriously pathetic. Has anyone else had issues like this before?
>> No. 3107
Ask the right questions. When you're in a situation where you feel your unwanted attitude forcing its way through, take the time to ask a few questions of yourself to help you change your outlook. Some examples of questions that may help change your attitude include:

What can I do to change the way I feel?
Is there another meaning I can discover from this situation?
What could I do to make this situation more interesting or appealing? What could I do to benefit from this?
What is that fictional woman's story? How did they come to behave like this? Could that be me, or someone I love?
>> No. 3114
> I've literally become so "thursty" that I honestly think I NEED to get laid.
I don't think that's unhealthy. I have an active, I'd say healthy, sex life, and I feel like that fairly regularly. It's called being really horny and it makes for good sex if you have a partner.
>> No. 3115
Look at it this way: at least you're getting in touch with your imagination, your fantasies, and your body instead of sitting in front of the computer looking at porn all day.
>> No. 3169
Yeah, that's me unfortunately. I recognise that I'm a compuslive internet user. I pledge to give up my hotmail account (put on a permanent vacation reply till it deactivates) by September 1st. I start out on hotmail and somehow end up looking at porn.
>> No. 3170
For me, when I fap I think to myself, "yeah I'm probably not getting any today." But, if I fapped and a girl does come over, there's no libido, and she thinks I'm just ignoring her, when honestly I would totally date/do things to her, it's just that I have no more jizz left in my balls at that moment. Should I tell her the truth?

Like our society has a real double standard, men need to be sexually available 24/7, because the media has portrayed us as oversexed maniacs, so any deviation from that must either be depraved or intentional.
>> No. 3172
Two things which can be done simultaneously:
1) Stop masturbating so much. Don't stop completely, because masturbating is healthy and it is important to be in touch with your sexuality. But do it like twice a week. Or only do it at the end of the day when you haven't gotten any that day. Don't masturbate before 11pm or something.
2) Make your attraction/desire clear, while also letting her know that your libido functions in such a way that if you've recently masturbated, you need some time to get back into things. Then just make out instead of moving toward sex. Or focus on her. You don't need a boner to fingerbang, son.
>> No. 3179
I made the tragic error of taking off all my clothes before getting a boner. Rookie mistake.

There's nothing less sexy than squatting in front of a girl with a dick that's only 1/6 its maximum size. But, its her fault for not working it well. I've been able to fuck fat chicks, cause they fucked me with their mouths to get me up. She sucked it like a crunchy pop.

So bam, I'm out the door, my clothes swiftly following, and I'm like, technically my dick did get wet, and I get home lie in bed and my skin smells like her cunt.
>> No. 3184
You sound like the least sexy person in existence. If I were you, I wouldn't be able to get a boner either. How are you even capable of thinking/talking about sex in such a completely unsexy way?
>> No. 3185

Quite so. It's quite a knack to describe something that badly.

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