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3094 No. 3094
Lately I've been having a dream where I am involved with a three person relationship. Me and this girl are both in love with this other girl, she is the main person in the relationship. Girl b is in a submissive role with girl a, while I have a "normal" relationship with girl a. Girl b and I get off and have our fair share of sex, but we spend most of our time worrying about girl a.

Like how great would it be to have someone you can talk to about a relationship, who completely understands, not only because she was there, but because she has her own relationship with said person. I think if it can be done, it could add alot of stability; you don't demand the world of one person.

In an inversion I also have this fantasy where my girlfriend and I keep a petite submissive in the bedroom who we affectionately call our "daughter," and who sleeps between us.

Anyone been in a relationship of this sort? I'm talking mff where the male isn't the center of attention.
>> No. 3097
I've met people who are polyamorous, which is what it sounds like you're referring to. Basically you have a primary partner (girl a) and then you have a secondary or tertiary (girl b, girl c) and you all date casually or seriously. Some people have a wife and girlfriend, some people will seek out lesser secondary relationships. It depends on what you and your primary are comfortable with and what you can handle. Obviously, it takes some effort to make sure that everyone is comfortable and feels that they are getting what they need from the arrangement. Some poly couples will form a "triad" where they both date the same third person, which is what your dream sounds like.

Alternatively, you can find a lot of secondary partners that aren't interested in a romantic setup but a sexual one. Basically you'd have a primary romantic/sexual partner and then a secondary sexual partner. There's no limit to who and how you can date, so long as you make sure everyone is getting their needs met.

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