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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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File 139996774672.jpg - (68.64KB , 500x381 , 1394434480233.jpg )
3009 No. 3009
Hey all, lately a fear has begun to haunt me on the regular. I am scared that I will have sex with a pubescent girl. I'm terrified that if I have a daughter I will seduce her.

I am not a true pedophile, I like women my age (college), MILFs, the high schoolers and the middle schoolers.

I work as a cashier and though I always try not to, I always check out the little lolis. Their faces are so cute, skin is so flawless, bodies are so tight and fresh.

What should I do? I do not want to take advantage of my future daughter, or her friends, or any other 11 year old I find myself alone with. but I don't think there is a way to train myself to not be attracted to the little ones any more than there is to not be attracted to females in general.
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>> No. 3011
>You're a cashier. Your id wants to take that money and walk out of the store as well, and yet you don't. Somehow, I doubt the solution to that basic act of restraint was to stop liking money.

HAH. This.
>> No. 3012
File 140015011552.jpg - (129.33KB , 640x640 , 10169364_10203722887143367_4728915606232923098_n.jpg )
Impulse control, it's difficult, but thank you, I do not want to be any more of a barbarian.
>> No. 3013
You check out women your own age all the time but you don't sexually assault them. Why can't you do the same with younger girls?
>> No. 3016
You have OCD.
>> No. 3017
This poster is clearly a medical doctor and has enough information to offer a diagnosis.
>> No. 3025
>> No. 3038
Just breathe. Assuming you're American, here's a silver bullet:

So long as current laws are in place, loli personality will always be unfuckable. Respect yourself and hold out for a real golden opportunity: Canadian 15-year-olds. Perfectly legal, all the upsides, and if the personality is right, none of the shitwizardry that characterizes American personality.

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