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2997 No. 2997
I'm not physically attracted to my girlfriend anymore.

Some background:

We met a year and a bit ago. She lives in my home county and I go to a university 300 miles away from her. I see her at holidays for a few weeks at a time and a few times this year we've visited each over during term-time. Long distance hasn't really been an issue for me, for the past three months work's been unyielding and until I finish my degree and get my life back, I haven't got time to be sexually frustrated. I'm not jealous by nature and we have a lot of mutual friends so I'm never worried about the other end.

The Problem

Each time I've seen her she's gotten a little bigger. At first I didn't care she was thick to start and got a little thicker, now she's pretty big and she doesn't carry it well. She has terrible habits, drinking a litre of coke a day, comfort eats when she's stressed and on top of that she's impulsive, she'll squeal and buy chocolate that catches her eye.

She came down for a couple of days recently, left on Monday, and there were times I really couldn't find her attractive, if she gets any bigger, i don't know what. I need to bring it up but I'm worried, given her behaviour, she won't do anything about it and just get pissed at me.

So how the hell do you bring this sort of thing up?
>> No. 3003
This is a terribly tricky problem to solve.

If you didn't live so far away, you could pull the, "Hey, let's change our health for the better - together!" routine. That way, you could go to the gym or whatever together, so you know she's making a change. You could also try to establish healthy eating habits, but there's the long distance thing again.

Honesty is always a super great thing to have in a relationship, but you can bet on bringing up a woman's weight ENDING that healthy relationship in a heartbeat - if she's sensitive of course!

If the whole gym and healthy eating thing doesn't work, you could just tell her that you're concerned with her health. Try bringing up specific points about it such as soda generally being bad for you, stress eating ALSO being bad for her, etc. Have her focus in on you caring about her health. Not to mention, if she takes the whole "eliminating stress eating thing" away, then she'll probably pick up better habits that is going to make her more of a pleasant person.

I think you care about her health anyway, so I don't think you're entirely lying if you avoid the "I don't find you attractive anymore" speech.

Hope everything works out, man!

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