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File 13951188435.jpg - (30.73KB , 600x337 , cool ship.jpg )
2958 No. 2958
I don't remember much from the early part of the dream. The usual running from the cops bullshit. Somehow I end up in a building where a large group of people are freaking the fuck out about some aliens or something. The building turns into a spaceship, the aliens emerge, and we are all captured.

We disembark on an unfamiliar, bleak planet.

When the spawning cycle had ended, few remained truly human. Those of us who survived were led off by the aliens. We were informed that we would be subject to rape time. Luckily enough a tall female nordic blonde looking symbiont decided to claim me. We take to eachother immediately, and I feel this is not so bad, I could live with this. I devised that with my power over women, I could seduce the symbionts and thus climb the social ladder. The girl in front of me was not so amused. A male symbiont had grabbed her from behind, using one hand to grip her neck, and fondling her breasts with the other. He kept repeating the same phrase, "raping time," softly, almost a whisper. "Raping time." - "Raping time."

Sadly, my fun as les collaborateur would not last, as a gargantuan ship emerged from the darkness of space into orbit. It was vast, mountainous, yet impossible lengthy, and mottled with craters and debris, where space rocks had plowed through solid steel like paper mache. The craft looked so badly damaged it seemed to be held together by the gravity of its mass alone. I wondered if anything could be living on it.

The mothership in orbit, our mothership, saw the leviathan, and immediately fired two plasma salvos. The hulking behemoth became obscured by the light of the explosions, but emerged, even more damaged than before, but amazingly, still active. A single burst from the titanic vessel disintegrated our once mighty ship. Only two were aboard, both symbionts. The light was blinding, there was no sound to the explosion, eery and ominous.

Lights began descending, and they were moving, fast. Clearly they were looking for something. Suddenly all I could think of was to hide. But it was too late. One of the lights went straight through the blast window and came right at me.

I summoned all my power and attempted to mind blast the wisp away, but to no effect. I even held it in my hand for a few seconds, it felt warm, but ethereal, not physical, but kind of tickling, in the way blowing on your hands slowly can tickle.

Now other craft are visible. I can see them beginning to descend, sweeping lights, no resistance. I hide behind a pile of junk and a blanket, the craft lands right outside. I can see them approach. A light shines on me. A weapon. I put my hands up, expecting the worst.

And then the new alien turned out to be Aeryn's mom from farscape, and she had come to rescue me. Phew. For once a suspenseful dream ended without me dying painfully, what a twist!
>> No. 2960
Heh heh, that ship was like ten times bigger than the pic, I guess they must have been fighting halfway across the galaxy to get here, which is flattering really, but I was fine.

Like I'm pretty sure the alien parasites had entered the gametophyte stage, so they were harmless to the surviving humans. I think all they wanted to do was fuck, really.

But yeah, leave it to the cavalry to show up guns blazing just as the orgy was about to start. Keep in mind at the beginning of the dream I was on the run from the law, so you can imagine my anxiety when a fucking planet destroyer pulls into high orbit.

A little backstory: In a previous dream I had escaped from the inescapable prison. The facility floats in the clouds and has standard security measures, with a certain degree of freedom of movement, since where the fuck are we gonna go. Anyway it's designed so that it's almost impossible to go up a level, but actually not that hard to break the security to go down a level. Did I mention the lowest levels are holographic? So if you keep going down eventually you just fall and die which is why no one tries to escape.

I have no idea how I managed to piss off the biggest, blackest nigga on the block, I mean ok maybe I mind blasted him like once or three times... But anyway he starts chasing me, and you know the only way to go is down.

I fucking hate falling dreams, and my powers of flight... well let's just say I've lost my license. But in a moment of genius, I manage to conjure up a freaking parachute by just imagining "what if I had a parachute?", big nig goes splat, and I begin my career as an escaped convict.
>> No. 2961
That's really pretty cool. Most dreams for me are basically either new or recurring, but it sounds like you're basically dreaming in continuing episodes. Keep us posted here. I want to know what happens aboard the vagabond.
>> No. 3036
I dunno about lucid dreaming properly. I really don't. A lucid dream that isn't a nightmare that I don't wake up from has always been my definition of heaven, and basically my goal for the vast majority of my life. Everything else has been a taste of heaven, wrapped up in various... let's be generous and say 'chaffy wrapping papers'.

The nice part in dreams is when you can take a proper right turn. You know how they say, "If you want to stabilize a lucid dream, look at your hands; if you want to start a new scenario, just spin really fast"? Try combining the two, while thinking of your ideal... basically dream-fanfic. Either the orgy, or just the two of you finding each other again and then maybe leading up to the orgy, or maybe not! Maybe just a nice pleasant verdant field with great potential somewhere, where you two are as like unto gods, and never conflict or hurt yourselves or each other, and don't return to this shitpile of a planet.

Not that I want you gone - I want you happy. Maybe you'll find a part of me out there. ;)

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