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File 13843148988.jpg - (185.87KB , 900x638 , socialanxiety.jpg )
2940 No. 2940
When you say "I can't handle this stressed feeling":

*Say to yourself "What can I do to make myself more comfortable?"
*Some things to make yourself more comfortable include:
Stop chasing worry thoughts, because when you chase them they get worse and more worry thoughts appear.
Implement some coping skills: deep breathing, self talk, use your physical space (i.e. walk around), talk to someone, come up with a plan.
Mindfulness: acknowledge and accept that the worries are there, but them be mindful with another activity (read, listen to music).
Cut yourself some slack, remember you are doing the best you can under the circumstances.
Remember not to let anxiety control you, empower yourself - don't let anxiety trick you into thinking that your worry thoughts are important, don't let it win.

I'm getting all this from a packet my psychologist gave me, I will try to scan the rest of the pages tomorrow. Sorry if I forget!
>> No. 2941
The problem is that to make yourself more comfortable you need some time-- maybe one or two minutes of thinking and deep breathing. In stressful situations, that time is often not available. You can't leave in the middle of a conversation to go meditate in the bathroom.
>> No. 2942
You can totally take two minutes to go to the bathroom unless you're like in an interview or something.
>> No. 2943
It's a bit odd, but some people are too socially awkward to be able to pull that off.

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