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File 138211440184.jpg - (589.35KB , 823x1081 , death.jpg )
2932 No. 2932
How does one deal with one's own mortal Oblivion?
>> No. 2933
Personally, I think about it constantly. I've got plastic skulls in my room, I watch horror movies, I look at gore. I turn symbols of death into positive things. Doing this makes death more mundane and takes a lot of the fear away.
>> No. 2934
How are you dealing with it right now? I mean, how bad is your own oblivion freaking you out?
>> No. 2935
I'm taking a course on death right now, it's been pretty interesting. We've read essays by various philosophers on the topic of death. Epicurus has the most appealing view to me. The idea was something to the effect of: "As long as we are, death is not. When death comes, we are not. Therefore, death is nothing to us".

I don't think that death is something to brood over. Once you've thought about it and come to terms with it, that should be it. There are other more important things that your attention could be on. After you die, you will no longer exist and therefore can't really be concerned that you're dead. When you come to terms with this, death will seem really distant and for me, nothing to fear.

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