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2904 No. 2904
Sup guys, so I had a /dream/.
I will begin from where I first remember.

I was walking on a dirt path which was part of a network of many. These fields were amongst green fields, with the occasional hickory and oak trees lining the roadside. I don't remember these people very well, but I believe we came to a house and we were in a hallway with about 3 doorways in it, all with white doors. I remember something urgent was happening, and somehow, one of us was thrown through one of the doors. There was some sort of betrayal. One of the men I was with who had short, cropped brown hair, and beard trimmed tightly around his mouth, and glasses flying, fastly, through the door, body sideways and in a u like shape. The door went nowhere one would have expected. He was flung into a vast ocean. He splashed in the water, and he became drenched with cool water. I know, because it was almost as if I could feel it, as he bobbed atop the water.
The ocean was bright blue, tropical, beautiful, and the waves were large, swathing over him, yet he always managed to stay afloat. He just drifted there, like a dead man. A feeling of peace came over him, after that sudden urgency that had just led to his outcasting, he felt serene here, now. The waves rose around him, almost chaotically, yet there were no storms brewing in the sky, just bright sunlight. He rose with the waves, to it's peak, and he could see a beach there not far off. The wave nestled him to shore, and he crawled back ashore, looking like a shipwrecked survived, clothes torn and shoes missing.
I was with him again, and we saw that the beach was directly attached to the playground of my old grade school. There were children playing there. We were children again. The only thing off was that with the kids, there were dinosaurs splaying with them. They were their pets, and they played with them like nothing. We surmised we were in an alternate course of history and somehow, the dinosaurs had survived.
We saw a few off on the black having their dinos battle, almost like a dog fight, or a Pokemon duel. Me and my pal walked around the playground, disgusted with these dinosaurs. This was not how history was suppose to be. We set our minds to making things the way the used to be.

That's all I can remember.

This was one of the most vivid dreams I've had in a while. Now, I've read that if I continue to write down my dreams, they will become increasingly vivid. Is this true? What are some other things I can do to have more prominent dreams?
>> No. 2905
I started writing my dreams down at some point and stopped because it was so much work. I quickly started remembering every dream i had (like, within a few days) and got bored with having to transcribe trivial dreams. But I've had some very meaningful dreams and feel kind of like I'm connected to my dream state all the time, probably more than most people, so it may or may not be the same for you. That is also a really cool dream.

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