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File 139121901067.jpg - (113.53KB , 700x745 , 1390242739608.jpg )
2894 No. 2894
I want to start logging my dreams. If I have multiple completely distinct dreams in s single night, should I start logging them all?

Also, when looking for meaning in my dreams re: what I'm thinking about, will they all be relevant or will it be mostly filler?
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>> No. 2895
>should I start logging them all?
Why would you discard anything? What would that achieve?
>when looking for meaning in my dreams
>> No. 2896
File 139128050572.jpg - (59.93KB , 399x298 , 9cyPFQbgCnn9jainIw3ZmiXko1_500.jpg )
>Why would you discard anything? What would that achieve?
I have my first log. I have written small summaries of each dream as I woke throughout the night. I can't help but feel it would be better if I just had one big detailed entry.

>On Atlantis, (trading w/ ?ro) w/ 1500
>In HP universe planning reincarnation w/ evil witch as Hermione
>Met girl called constitution outside supermarket - got number
>Was CEO of car assembly line
>On Enterprise, met alzgrs(?)
>Hull = 1
>Saucer = all
>Who am I?

I don't mean supernatural spooky meaning, I just want some insight in to what I'm thinking and what's important to me. From this first log, it looks like I want to be a girl and I need to stop watching Star Trek.
>> No. 2897
> I can't help but feel it would be better if I just had one big detailed entry.
It would be. You should write as much as you can with as much detail as you can manage.
>I just want some insight in to what I'm thinking and what's important to me.
The point is you won't find any of that in dreams
>> No. 2898
So what do you believe dreams represent?

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