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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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2885 No. 2885
It's been a long while since I've been on 99chan, but I've had issues lately and /docta/ kept coming to mind, so I'm filling that void now.

I recently came out of prison September 15th of 2013 with literally nothing. My family is either dead or hates me, and I didn't own a fucking thing.

While I was staying at my buddy's place, an old female friend and I got back into contact with one another and we hit it off amazingly. Soon enough, I ended up moving in with her two states away.

At first, she was perfectly fine. (Red flags, amirite?) Not too long after living with her though, it turns out she has myriad disorders, such as PTSD, Borderline, and severe depression.
Story with that is she got into a motorcycle accident a few years back, that almost killed her literally four times. If not for her mother refusing to give up, she would have died the first time. She took several months recuperating.

Between that time and now, she's had a large number of sex partners, none of which she really kept as a relationship, but mostly just for the dick. She did have an abusive close-minded fuckwad boyfriend before me who intimidated and used her until I came into the picture. While with this boyfriend, she cheated on him with a cop in whom she has a lot of feelings for, still. He refused her though, because he has previous engagements, IE a wife and kids. Basically, she was just going to be his mistress, if she allowed it.

Since my arrival, I have been chasing off all her "friends" as she calls them, which are basically booty-call boys. At first she got literally at least 5 texts a day asking for a fuck all from separate people. These have since stopped with my intervention, though she's loathe to give up any of them, stating that they are her friends.

She's also been having severe breakdowns and mood swings. Despite everything I have personally, I have been trying my damnedest to support her. I have never had a relationship like this before, and I feel I truly love her.

Of course, there's my issues, or I wouldn't be posting...

Her history of having fucked so many guys before me is something that I've found extremely difficult to overcome. I literally set myself in a bad mood just thinking about it. What makes it worse is that she's always trying to get me to meet guys that she's fucked before. I tried it twice and realized that I couldn't handle it. On top of that, she continues to have contact with many of them, who even still today ask for booty calls knowing that she's in a relationship. I told one just recently that I'd bury him if he texted her again.

She's also stated that she still has feelings for the cop, of whom I detest with a burning passion. I've caught him talking shit on me to her through texts. On top of that, she's been getting back into contact with men that she's known before, of which she admits to having an attraction to. Again, this agitates me to no end. She also has no female friends.

Am I being too clingy? Is it wrong of me to feel as possessive as I do, or should I draw back and let her hang around with these guys? I don't feel that she would go out of her way to cheat on me, per se, but rather the guy would push for it until she felt enough guilt to give in because she has trouble saying no.

How can I get her to see that these guys are no good? I'll argue with her until I'm blue in the face, but she insists on keeping them around.

How can I cope with her severe PTSD, BPD and depression? I struggle with PTSD and depression of my own, and I try my best to be a pillar of support for her, but there are times when I don't feel I can handle it appropriately. We're looking into a psychotherapist, but we simply don't have the money for it, at least not yet.

I look over at her now, while she's asleep, and realize that she means a lot to me. Please, /docta/ help a guy out? If any further details are needed, I'll be glad to discuss.
>> No. 2886
Two broken halves will make a broken whole more often than not, and despite your affection for this girl, it's clear that she's not in a position to return it the way you would like.

I think you have to be wary of your attachment to this girl; You have nobody and nothing immediately close, and this old flame of yours immediately provides affection and care in a way that you had been cut off from for your prison time; I think you're too willing to put too much of yourself into this effort on this girl's behalf, considering that she's simply unable to be the partner you want her to be.

Look at it from whatever angle you like, but the truth is this: You're only responsible for yourself, and she has to be responsible for herself. You can help her, but if she doesn't want to be helped, then you're going to get nowhere.

Not that I don't commend you for trying, mind! This girl showed you kindness in a time when you needed it, and that proves that even if she's so messed-up in the head right now that she can't fix her problems, she's at least worth human decency—but you can't expect miracles, and you can't expect them immediately.
>> No. 3147
Welcome back to 99chan :)

Consider the following. Suppose a rationalist criterion for thought. There is no self-evident way of supposing something ought to be or should be or should have been based on anything that is (for a more elegant exposition on this idea see the philoopher David Hume). Consider everything that has happened in your life. The whole lot. Now, there are objective facts here, to the extent of our memory's capacity for accurate judgement. You can't change these without harming your ability to adapt and so tolerate the world. If those aspects of the world are present before you, you can change them to some extent. For example, you can remove an uncomfortable boot from your foot if so you choose. You cannot, however, change the violence and emotional abuse your mother enacted upon you throughout your childhood. You can, however, change your beliefs about what ought and should be. You can tell yourself that it was a good thing. Even remembering torture you can fetishise the event. Often, if you don't have some underlying self-defeating personality disorder from your childhood this is safe to do and you won't become masochist. Rememer what your capabilities are. Remember their limits. Exercise those capabilities in ways that sustain your ability to use them when you find yourself in adverse situations that would otherwise cast you into situations you would be lost in without your conscious intervention.

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