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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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2853 No. 2853
Yo /docta/,
Recently I had sex for the first time in 7 months.
*pause for standing ovation*
Only, all three times, I was having trouble getting hard and staying hard. This was happening in April, but I thought that was because I was having sex with a girl I was about to break up with. I don't know to what extent this is psychological and to what extent it is medical. I've taken a lot of prescription drugs (like SSRIs) in my day (although I take fewer now,) and I was wondering if I had permanent side effects from any of them. A similar thing happened to me the first time I tried to have sex; premature ejaculation has never really been an issue for me. I notice it's not as much of a problem when I'm not facing my partner and when I'm in complete control.
I didn't use a condom. I didn't have one, and I feel like if I had tried, I would have had even more difficulty. We had only been on two dates, but both took up the greater part of the day and by the end of our second she made pretty explicit indications that we were in the beginnings of a relationship.
Also she was really quiet. I'm used to some feedback so I know what I'm doing right. She was rough when we were making out, so I went rough during the sex (incl. choking,) and she didn't object. She said she came within the first couple minutes, which I found believable since she had seemed extremely aroused for the previous couple hours.
I haven't seen her since then, but we've made arrangements to meet again. Would it be gouache to begin our third date with sex (meet at her apartment; hang out there afterwards)?
This is only the second girl I've ever dated. I guess I'm seeing her next week. I would have liked to see her sooner but she said she wasn't available. Having to wait a week has made me anxious for some reason I can't really discern. Sorry if this was rambling. Any general/specific advice? Our conversation is still interspersed with some awkward pauses and sometimes I repeat myself, but she seems to really like me.
>> No. 2856
Calm down.

Erections are not gigantic powerful behemoths that we can summon at will. Getting close to someone and having sex is normally quite a significant thing and it's perfectly natural not to get a rock hard erection on call. It normally takes me a few weeks before I can have sex with someone, but it depends on context too.

She does not think you're a freak and there is no permanent damage from the medicines you've taken. There is nothing wrong with you.

Enjoy your week and don't think about it too much.
>> No. 2857
It probably still is the SSRIs, even if your dosage is lower than it used to be.

Incidentally, you should probably get off those as soon as you feel you can. It will suck, and you'll definitely feel very depressed at first, but that's actually the hook with these things. Several studies have been released in the past year or two showing that antidepressants are bogus. That line you were fed about them treating your depression by preventing your body from burning through certain neurotransmitters? It turns out that there is only a statistically significant link between those neurotransmitter levels and depression after you start taking that crap. They've functionally made you an addict.

Since your dose went down, I'm guessing you're getting better. Good news: that was all you, man. The pills were a magic feather at best. Keep doing what you're doing.
>> No. 2859
I have a related problem /docta/ I'm on 4 SSRI's and for the last half year thing turns me on anymore. Downloaded and watched dozens of porn movies, read erotic literature etc.

Never had a girlfriend but this is a whole new level of low, I mean I can't even fap. The only time I get semi hard is from morning boners.
>> No. 2860

See a doctor, change meds.
>> No. 2861
Thanks for trying but the meds are working out fine for me and I'm afraid to reduce them. My doc says he'll slowly ween me off. That was 3 years ago. Isn't there something else I can do? I visited several docs and they all said the same.
Should I lose hope?
>> No. 2862
I've heard it takes year until your libido is back to normal.

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