No. 2857
It probably still is the SSRIs, even if your dosage is lower than it used to be.
Incidentally, you should probably get off those as soon as you feel you can. It will suck, and you'll definitely feel very depressed at first, but that's actually the hook with these things. Several studies have been released in the past year or two showing that antidepressants are bogus. That line you were fed about them treating your depression by preventing your body from burning through certain neurotransmitters? It turns out that there is only a statistically significant link between those neurotransmitter levels and depression after you start taking that crap. They've functionally made you an addict.
Since your dose went down, I'm guessing you're getting better. Good news: that was all you, man. The pills were a magic feather at best. Keep doing what you're doing.