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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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2850 No. 2850
So last year around Christmas I had a falling out with my sister. We were in Las Vegas for the holidays (where she lived at the time) and were trying to have a fun family-filled Sin City extravaganza.

However, my sister ruined all of this. She yelled repeatedly at my mother and I about our incompetence on how to behave in "nice" establishments, bullied my mom emotionally and physically, drank constantly (but she was even worse when she was sober) and honestly just put a damper on the whole trip.

For me this was just the last straw. We had been getting along for a while before all of this, but she has no apologized for her behavior and shows no remorse whatsoever.

I don't like her anymore. Of course, I wish her a good life and peace and happiness, but everytime I'm around her I am reminded of what a selfish and shallow person she really is. I have no idea how to remedy the situation, and I'm not even sure that I want to do so.

However, the holidays are coming up, and I'm sure I will be expected to interact with her again. I would confront her with these feelings, but last time I brought it up she told me to go fuck myself and that I was a fat ugly worm who should mind her own business.

Why on earth would I associate with someone like this? What should I do at all?
>> No. 2852
It sounds, to me, like she might be going through a rough patch in her life. It's the only reason I can think of that could explain the behavior you described. It doesn't sound like she was provoked by you or your mother, so her negative feelings had to come from somewhere else.

I say just try to bear with her. Think of her as someone sick, not someone evil. Think of her inappropriate behavior as pus coming out of an infected wound. If you see her during the holidays, just try not to set her off.

You could try to figure out what her problem is and try to help her with it if she lets you. Or, you could leave her alone until she sorts her shit out. She probably won't be this rude forever.

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