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File 138447863441.jpg - (248.46KB , 900x798 , The_road_goes_ever_on_and_on_by_dolphinjump.jpg )
2846 No. 2846
Guys, I'm confused.

My ex and I broke up about a month ago, after dating for a little under five months. Basically, we weren't very compatible. We had a lot of communication issues and frequently misunderstood each other. Because we didn't have much in common, a lot of the time I would stress out over trying to think of things to talk to her about. Every now and then she would accuse me of never talking to her, and this fed into a cycle of feeling almost pressured to perform. Add to that, I knew that I was her first boyfriend and that she was pretty into me, so for a long time, I kept trying to force myself to feel something for her. Granted, I did/do care about her, it just never got to a point of strong butterfly feelings, which always frustrated me. As much as it sucks to say this, I just wasn't really happy in the relationship.

Then BOOM, fast forward to last Saturday, and out of nowhere I meet this really cool girl at a volunteer service day. She's a 25 year old alum from my school, and as we talked, we realized we had a bunch of interests in common. Also, and most strikingly, our conversation was super easy and comfortable. We exchanged facebooks and phone numbers, and are set to go out for a little hiking trip this Saturday.

I'm confused because I feel guilty. As excited as I am about getting to know this girl, I just keep thinking about my ex, and trying to figure out if I'm a bad person for all of this. As far as I can tell, she's still sore about the break-up, but personally I've largely gotten over it. I wasn't actively looking for a new relationship, and was kind of content to just remain single and focus on myself for a while. But damn, if I didn't feel something.

What do you guys think? Am I a horrible monster? Or am I as justified in my feelings as my peers have tried to assure me of?
>> No. 2848
Should you not move on because of repentance of a past relationship? I recommend just seeing where your new relationship goes with that new girl. Make sure it feels right and don't rush it.
>> No. 2851
Thanks fellas, I appreciate the support. By this point, I think my guilt has largely dissipated. I chatted with my ex briefly the other day, and it was plenty amiable. She seems to be doing well. Plus today I saw her hanging out with an old crush of hers, so if she's moving in that direction, that's cool too.

I just hope this new thing works out. We rescheduled to tomorrow night for coffee (our previous plans didn't sound "definitive" to her so she bailed), but we really haven't been texting at all. I'm not sure what to think of this, although I know she has a super packed schedule: nursing school, plus two jobs. Still, she sounded interested when we rescheduled.

Hopes are high but realistic!

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