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/docta/, /docta/, gimme the news
I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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2840 No. 2840
/Docta/, how do I remove feelings towards someone I don't want to have?

There's a woman in my friend's group. She's beautiful, but other than that, we don't really have much in common at all, and our personalities would never be compatible in a relationship. Sometimes I dislike her greatly.

However, I'm crushing pretty hard on her. She's got a boyfriend who I both love and hate, so going for her isn't an option- not that I would want to anyways.

Why am I feeling this way and how do I stop it?
>> No. 2841
You're infatuated, son. And the best way to get de-infatuated is to be exposed to the lowest, most repulsive aspects of the person with whom you are infatuated.

And maybe become casual friends with her boyfriend. That can only lead to disaster, which is also good in this case.
>> No. 2842
I'm already casual friends with her boyfriend. Just wait for disaster?
>> No. 2843
Well if it's completely absurd to 'go after' her, and if you're not going to do it; then you don't have to worry about anything external going wrong.

Internally, you'll have to give it time. Your feelings will change. Your feelings don't sound exceptionally strong/solid because of the problems you find with this girl, so I don't think it would take a huge amount of time.

You can accept the feelings and move on, which is more constructive than trying to push them away.
>> No. 2844
Okay, so but if theoretically I went after this girl...

Since they have had recent relationship troubles and all...
>> No. 2845
It would end in disaster even if she reciprocated your feelings and you know it. Think with your brain, not your heart. I say just try to wait it out, or try to transpose the feelings you have for her onto someone else who would be more compatible with you.

It's possible to see a million important flaws in someone and have a strong crush on them anyways, j/s. Not all powerful crushes involve blindly believing that the object of affection is "the one".

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