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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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2821 No. 2821
Ok /docta/, buckle up.

There's this girl. We met over the internet. We've known each other in person for approximately 2 months and a half, and went out as friends 6 times.

At first sight, she looks too good to be real. She is absolutely gorgeous, intelligent, likes to read, likes anime (personally not my thing but still factors into the nerdy aspect), plays the cello, sings, draws, appreciates good music, movies and art in general, and is introverted. The average channer's dream girl.

However, she has other issues. She has told me she doesn't like to be physically touched. She doesn't even like greeting people with a kiss. She has also told me she has taken a vow of abstinence, since this dislike for touch extends to sex too.

I have actually hugged her for a long time on our first "date" while walking, because it was cold, and she didn't seem to mind, and perhaps even like it a bit. Or maybe she didn't say anything out of courtesy.

Anyway, the fact is that she gives me mixed signals all the time. On the one hand, she tells me these things, her intimacy issues and her dislike of touch, but it's her who has asked me to hang out in places most of the times we went out. When I ask her, she is usually busy or says yes but doesn't confirm later.

When we are in person, I manage to make her laugh plenty. When we are online too (she doesn't write "hahahah" but actually "You made me laugh" so I know for sure).

She tells me she tends to be distant, which she can be a lot of times when we talk online, but then when we meet in person she has these flirtatious bursts that are seemingly spontaneous, and catch me off-guard.

For example:

We were at a cafe, and I show her the section of the menu that had teas with alcohol in them, because I found it curious. She responds "Ooh, alcoholic teas? Are you trying to get me drunk, anon? Hahah, Why would you want to get me drunk? ;)" in a flirtatious tone.

Walking in my neighbourhood, I'm guiding the walk because I'm familiar with the place. I take a wrong turn at some point by accidental reflex of going to my house, so I say "Oh, silly me, I was already heading for home." to which she responds "You were taking me to your house? Hahah, anon, why would you do that? I'm just following your lead, you know :)" again in that flirtatious tone.

She is extremely formal when we talk online, and sometimes won't respond to a message I send her. And regarding that, she recently messaged me this:

>I'm logging in to tell you that I appreciate the fact that with you I can converse with extreme ease. It wasn't until I exchanged words with other, idiotic people that I had that realization.

>I think it's necessary for me to say it given that sometimes I don't answer you because I don't know what to answer, or because I don't have anything to add or say, and have zero capacity to get this across, and it doesn't show that way. I exchanged some words with an idiot and thought "Let's talk with anon instead".

(If it sounds weird, it's because english isn't our first language and it's translated, but the message is that formal.)

We had a very pleasant short conversation after that, and then she didn't answer anymore.

How to proceed? Sometimes we don't talk for days because I don't want to constantly nag her given that she has that tendency to not respond. We have never kissed, we have never held hands, when we go out we barely touch each other, except for that first date when I hugged her. It seems to me that if I am to pursue a relationship with her, we are going to have to fix her intimacy problems. And yet, with that last message she sent me, it seems like she is starting to open up, little by little. WAT DO
>> No. 2822
You need to decide if you want to stick around to see if the mixed signals clear up. If you decide to do this, be patient, but don't just wait around. At some point you're going to have to make it clear that physical intimacy is important to you and she needs to be clear and direct with you one way or another about whether real physical intimacy will be possible.

Your other option is to just bail now before this gets too messy. Do you want to stick around for months only to find out she will not and cannot meet your needs regarding the physical aspects of a relationship?
>> No. 2823
My idea was to ease her into it. I'm probably the most understanding person regarding this issue she has met, and I want to keep interacting with her until I build enough trust so that she will be more comfortable facing those issues.

It will be tough and possibly yield no results, but I'm willing to risk it for now.
>> No. 2824
Just be up front with her that physical intimacy is important to you and you would like to work toward it. You can't just "ease her into it." It's not your job to do. It's a collaborative process between her and you. Respect her by letting her know that you would like to work toward greater intimacy.
>> No. 2825

The thing is we are not even dating, and I'm pretty sure that if I brought the subject of physical intimacy up she would take advantage of that fact to make distance between her and me. To flake out, and choose the easy way out.

Or I could do it, but it should be at the right time. I have the feeling she wants to open up to me, but still doesn't allow herself to trust me enough to do so. So if I brought up that subject now, she would close up.
>> No. 2826
Sounds like you know her well enough to know the appropriate and respectful way to approach the subject. Good luck, I hope everything works out well for both of you.
>> No. 2828
Oh lord, I feel like I've ran into this girl before.

She might even be the same one. If so, run for the hills. There's nothing but trouble coming from her.

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