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File 138166017059.jpg - (9.57KB , 460x276 , Separation-007.jpg )
2802 No. 2802
Has anyone here ever been on a successful separation period/break with their better half?

Things recently came to a head between me and the love of my life, exacerbated by my trouble with various antidepressants and her moving away to start a new chapter of her life and my being long-term unemployed and directionless (which I am now neither, I am both starting new employment tomorrow and have some more concrete ideas about actually following my dreams to go into the creative industries, finally). I have serious abandonment and trust issues because of things that happened to me in childhood, and combined with the medication I was on at the time (which gave me panic disorder), we had a very nasty experience when I helped her move in to her new place as I felt convinced I was losing her.

I'm currently undergoing CBT and dicking around with brain meds to try and find something that works, but I don't want to be on them forever and am more interested in pursuing further therapy to get me to address why I expect everyone to let me down. Prior to last night when I suggested we have a period of no contact, the OH had seemed willing to give things a go and I'd even started looking into couples therapy and such to start addressing our problems. Unfortunately things seem to have gotten far too much for her right now after further arguments and griping, and she said she couldn't cope right now, so I'm leaving her alone for a few months or so. And yes, before you go saying she's off to go shag around, neither of us have any plans to. We're both far too busy for that anyway, and there's an agreement between us both to not sleep with anyone else. I trust her on this and would be devastated if she broke her word.

Basically, is there any hope? Can anyone speak from a similar experience? Have periods of separation when life has been getting too much for both of you helped in the long-run? I think if we do give things another go a few months down the line when we're both more settled, I'll still want to pursue couples therapy and personal psychotherapy in addition to the treatment I'm getting now. I am utterly committed to making this work, even if I need to crack my skull open and rewire my brain entirely. And even if it doesn't work out with her and she's not interested in trying again and has lost any sort of attachment for me, I want to try and take the most out of this experience I can. I know I'm lovable, I just have horrendous amounts of baggage - and it's never too late to learn how to deal with that so I can be a better [read: more capable of having a successful relationship] person. Halp?

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