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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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2732 No. 2732
If I date a girl a while, I lose interest. Then I'll start fantasizing and e-porning until I fall into fapping to mainly traps, beast, and other weirs shit. One time I convinced myself I was gay, broke up with my girlfriend, but when I had the opportunity to be gay I passed it up and instead hanged his hot ladyfriend. Who I initially was very infatuated with, she was a very cool gal. But again eventually I got pretty bored of her.

Is this kind of shit common or do I got some issues?
>> No. 2734
Are your hobbies and interests very short-term too? I think you're just trying to avoid deeper and longer-term relationships with people. It's kind of quantity over quality; the one thing that everyone in the world needs to know is:

Do you have a problem with this or not?
>> No. 2736
Yeah, I get huge passionate bursts followed by a slow disinterest until my passion rages for a different thing and I forget all about the first.
>> No. 2738
Okay. Well the intense feeling at the beginning is a short-term thing (as you know) and it can't last for too long. Change what you're thinking about (girl or hobby) and it might feel slightly different; but you're the constant here and it just means that you need to change how you approach the situation a little; otherwise you will become this cycle; doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

If you want a long term relationship; or even to have feelings that last for longer... I think you need to slow down. Slowing down is often about remembering, whilst going fast is often about forgetting.

In my own experience, quite recently too, I noticed that I live on a very short-term basis, I act on whims and don't have any clear structure to achieve 90% of the things I want. This has been obvious and thorough in every element of my life; generally speaking you could call it a 'Low Frustration Tolerance'. It's meant that a lot of life goals (finance, learn a language, stable relationships, etc.) all function on a short-term basis; I had no staying power with anything: well I had some good staying power with things that made me sad.

I think it'd be a good idea to work on getting a High Frustration Tolerance. This means you can do shit even if you don't feel like it; it means that you can do shit for the sake of the long term goal; and it means that you'll stop bailing out because 'trap porn is better than a human being'.
>> No. 2745
It's pretty common actually, particularly if you're young, which I assume you are, since most of the userbase seems to be early-20s. It could be as simple as you're just dating the wrong girls for you or you could have some issues with connecting to people on a deeper level or a combination of those and/or more things. Only you can really answer those questions. But keep in mind that lasting, fulfilling relationships do require work as well as compromises. Your boredom could be a reaction to the point in relationships where the newness wears and actual emotional intimacy is required, which can be scary at first. Your coping mechanisms let you avoid intimacy, but unfortunately it also prevents you from ever truly bonding. So, unless you want to perpetually hop from girl to girl every few months, this is something to consider.

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