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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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2731 No. 2731
>Dating a girl for a year and five months
>Her lease expired before she could find a place so she's living with me in the meantime
>tells me 2 weeks ago she's done with the relationship and is no longer in love, cant be with me, etc
>is still stuck living with me
>met some dude 12yrs older than her at a bar 2days before ending it with me, stayed at his house twice before even telling me she wanted to break up
>swears she's only kissed him and that she won't do anything else
>continues to stay at his house about every 2 days
>still acts affectionate and physically close, but without sexuality

I can't help but feel used...
>> No. 2733
Make a decision about your boundaries and stick to them. If it bothers you, tell her that physical closeness is 'off-limits' or something; if her being in your place bothers you, set a deadline for her to move out. Do this all fairly and adultly without any pettiness or threatening. Don't spend forever explaining yourself either; you don't have to.

I understand that you feel used, but have you anything else you want or need to say?

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