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2726 No. 2726
So, I'm curious what you guys would think about this scenario.

I'm friends with an ex and we dated a long time ago (6 years ago). She updated Facebook telling a story about a time when we were definitely dating (she mentioned working at a job that she both got and left while we were together), but mentioned that she slept with a guy multiple times who was in a band and had the largest cock she had ever seen. I've never been in a band and I'm average in the cock department. I wasn't aware that she had cheated on me. But seeing as it was so long ago, I figure that I won't bring it up. I mean, we truly are strictly friends and I would never consider dating her again. But, still, it's a shitty feeling finding this out after so many years. Would you let it slide, like I'm going to do, or would you mention it to your ex?
>> No. 2727
And she posted this on facebook? Why would you post about dicks on facebook? God, I hope she hasn't friended any relatives.

Me, I would send her a message calling her some rude word or other. After that, I'd try to just forget about it. PS: I doubt the guy she boned had a dick as big as she claims he did. Seriously, getting smashed in the cervix ain't fun.
>> No. 2735
> But seeing as it was so long ago, I figure that I won't bring it up.

So, it's acceptable for her to bring it up, but it's not acceptable for you to bring it up?

I think that I would ask; I'd be curious as to why and I'd dare say I'd be a little hurt. It wouldn't need much talking over though; it'd probably be a very short and concise conversation.
>> No. 2737
Just unfriend her and let it go. You're not dating anymore. If she questions why you unfriended her, then by all means confront her. But, honestly, consider this a good thing. You don't have to be friends with such a shitty person anymore.

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