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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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2672 No. 2672
Hi, docta.

20yo male.

How do I stop gravitating towards emotionally abusive women?

Mom was manic depressive narcissist. First girlfriend was emotionally abusive. I'm terrified that I will spend the rest of my life like this and just continue to regress and regress. But if I don't let my instincts lead me, I'm afraid I'll never be happy in a relationship.

The title of this thread could probably alternately be called as the title of a popular book, "Codependent No More."
>> No. 2676
Get some therapy, for starters.
>> No. 2689
Well yeah, that, but anything else you can think of?
>> No. 2696
Just give up on being a man and start cross dressing, then you will be too cute to get abused
>> No. 2705
That's really constructive, thank you.
>> No. 2719
>I'm terrified that I will spend the rest of my life like this and just continue to regress and regress.

Although your worry is understandable, you have chosen to react this way and to have these feelings about this situation. Instead of saying "Well I've been there, I know the warning signs, I'll change my approach", you're worried now about a life of sorrow.

I will say one thing; you shouldn't feel in anyway that life is just going downhill, and that you will reach the endpoint of terminal unhappiness.

Therapy is a valid option, and likely the best avenue for you to go down. What have you to lose?
>> No. 2758
Women are aggravating and - at least in America - tend to always be abusive and self-absorbed in some capacity. I've become bisexual (though still heteroromantic) over my frustration with women, maybe you should try it too. :) Men tend to have greater respect for one another than women have for men or other women, for that matter. Even a non-sexual bromance I find to be an excellent alternative to female bullshit. Heterosexual life partners always works too. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeterosexualLifePartners

(Even if this was your experience, you could certainly have found a better way to express yourself, you goon.)
>> No. 2793
That's a HUGE generalization.

And your advice is to choose to change your sexual orientation, as if that were possible? I strongly suspect that the reason you fuck men is not because of recent frustrations with "American women" being self-absorbed, though that would be a handy rationalization.
>> No. 2794

So, if women had been perfect from the beginning, then you wouldn't have become bisexual? The trouble with thinking that women are abusive and full of bullshit is that you completely bypass any idea that you might not be particularly pleasant to be with, or perhaps your relationship skills need a lot of work.

People often forget that men and women are both human beings, as well as other people that don't want either label, and if things were treated as if everyone was a 'person' then less people would feel excluded. The differences between men and women are so, so tiny.

Your post is very self-absorbed and abusive.
>> No. 3044

This seems like it might be victim blaming.

Have you ever seen a genuine positive emotional connection, and not constant give-and-take nagging?

"The trouble with thinking that women are abusive and full of bullshit is that you completely bypass any idea that you might not be particularly pleasant to be with, or perhaps your relationship skills need a lot of work." <-- Sounds like

>bro you only deserve conditional or tough love

which might not be true.

I may or may not have seen purely unconditional love but I'm pretty sure I ain't livin' it up right now. If I were I'd just give you the number of the girl or guy to call to blow all your expectations out of the water.
>> No. 3058
>>3044 I have watched couples form and break apart, I have loved and lost and loved again, I have crushed, I have seen crushes from afar, I have been crushed upon, and do you know what I've noticed?

Some people are abrasive and obnoxious, and it's difficult to enjoy their company.

Anyhow, OP:

"Gravitating" implies that you've got a life full of emotionally abusive women. A mother and a girlfriend do not a pattern make. Assuming that you're leaving out some salient examples, you need to look at the characteristics that you don't want to see in a partner, and those that you do, and determine if you're bringing this upon yourself by ignoring red flags intentionally, or if it's something less self-destructive.
>> No. 3061
Some people are obnoxious and abrasive... to some people, yes. I've been told that the trick is to find people who don't interpret you that way.

Maybe I just lack self-insight (Maybe? Ok, definitely) but I know that growing up who was popular and who was not was not a matter of who did what; it was a matter of connections. The unpopular kid gets low grades? "Oh, you're obnoxious, and a retard to boot." Scores well? "Oh, so you're a know-it-all." Acts friendly? "Fuck off, creeper." Acts angry? "What's your fucking attitude malfunction?"

Popular kids do poorly in school? "Oh that's fine we'll take you to an amusement park and you'll just get it later" Scores well? "Time for an allowance raise, and an internship job!" Acts nicely? "Oh he's such a golden boy!" Acts like a jackass? "Oh he's just trolling, he's harmless."

Bottom line is, if people don't respect you they'll find fault in whatever you do. The best thing to do is to just leave them alone to their happiness, and look for someone whose happiness is _enhancing_ you, not putting you down.
>> No. 3062
And, hey, maybe you already know someone like that, and you're just overlooking them. I know at least I often wish that a good person would knock me out of my failspiral... but maybe my job is to take the first step.

Or figure out how to fix the angry people. Maybe I'm just not doing it right, or something...
>> No. 3070
>>3061 Also, "school" is actually the least germane example to life as whole.

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