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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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File 137730215672.jpg - (10.58KB , 281x284 , xd.jpg )
2661 No. 2661
I'm hurting guys. I've been having a really bad time dating and I can't figure out what's going wrong. I can get a one night stand no problem, same with a first date. After the first date though things go down hill. I preceive the date going well but that's apparently not the case. Weeks will pass and eventually women stop answering calls or responding to texts. I'm not overly clingy, I don't text a lot, and I don't say anything really offputting in between dates. I just try to set up a second one.

The other day I ran into a lady I went on one date with on the way to work and she didn't even acknowledge me. Now the girl I currently want to date has out of nowhere stopped replying to texts.

I can't take much more of this. I just don't understand what's wrong with me that women will just straight up ignore my existance.
>> No. 2668
If I were to tell you that you come across like the image you chose in your OP, how would you feel? Do you think that would be a fair explanation as to why you have this problem? Do you think that you are presenting this image to the girls, and then do you think that that leads to your problem?

If you get me, what image would you like to be more like?
>> No. 2674
I don't think I present myself like the image I selected. That was just the only image I had saved on my phone. However, I wouldn't blame them if I came across like that image. But again, I really don't think I'm presenting myself this way.

The way I present myself to others I feel is generally relaxed, energetic, and a little serious. I can be a little moody sometimes. I used to be very depressed. Its something I've overcome through time but it can still get to me every once in a while. This has never come through on any dates however.
>> No. 2680
How did your last date go? Did you compliment her? Are you attractive? Do you go for women that could be construed as out of your league? How do you think you come across to women? Did they smile on the dates much?
>> No. 2681
The date went well. Honestly. We had stuff in common, I complimented her and all that basic date stuff. I'm also an attracitve person. I dress well and get hit on by attractive people once in a while. There was smiling and no cell phone use.

Maybe its bad luck. Maybe the last few women I've dated just decided they're were ready to dat. I don't know. I just can't see what I'm doing wrong. And being ignored is pretty fucking hurtful.

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