No. 2800
May I have a source on that...? Because from what I'm finding, it sounds like the "free love" guys were just advocating the idea that people should do what they want with their genitals.
>>You might only be with a person for a short time, and might never see them again, but everything you learn about them in that little bubble is beautiful and interesting, if you allow yourself to appreciate it without judgement. This means quite a bit more than just fucking, and conversation isn't a game you're playing to win the fucking. It means comforting and gentle touch, listening to a person's stories, and exercising concern for their well-being. It's earnestly attempting to fully appreciate the value of a person you've only known for a couple hours. It's being able to do this with many people, in series or in parallel, because you are letting go of your expectations about the future and allowing yourself to feel the community of the present: you are each struggling through the same reality, and the differences between each person, known or not, only serve to accentuate what you all have in common.
If I understand this correctly, that just sounds like friendship to me-- and not even very deep friendship, because you'll want to see your close friends more than once. Maybe it's because I'm so used to it, but feeling deep empathy and curiosity toward others seems, well, almost mundane.
Sorry for being such a retard regarding this topic. I always equated limerence to love because other people seem to do so.