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2644 No. 2644
I've never been in a relationship, but I'd like to know one thing:
Why do people break up? My parents are ok, they rest of my family are ok, most friends I know are either single or ok. So I did a little research and statistically around 15% break up after having fooled around with someone else.

My question is: If two people love each other, get into a relationship, why fool around with someone else? If so, and you really love them, can't they forgive? Some people change partners like underwear. Then, why bother getting into (another) relationship in the first place?

I'll never understand humanity.
>> No. 2647
It's almost like monogamy shouldn't be our cultural default, or something.
>> No. 2702
Sex. Sex, sex, sex, sex.

What >>2647 said. Monogamy is pretty silly when you think about it. People feel obligated to be angry when their partner sleeps with someone else, but that's just a product of our culture. It is entirely possible to sleep with others without loving them more than your main partner.

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