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File 137118762761.jpg - (83.53KB , 674x505 , 12510883028.jpg )
2486 No. 2486
-Hi, how can I help you today?
-I have... uhm... erectile dysfunction.
-Ha ha ha, you smoke two packs a day, have a six pack at night and you're on anti-depressants! What did you expect?
-Well my girlfriend and I are taking a weekend off together, could you prescribe me something to... you know?
-Nah, just stop drinking for a few days.

Great. What kind of fucking doctor laughs at a patient? Now I'm stuck with getting some viagra under the counter from some dodgy pharmacy.

Any tips for whiskey dick? Last time was really really embarrassing.
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>> No. 2487
Cut out the whiskey?
Your doctor may have a shitty personality, but that doesn't make his advice invalid.
>> No. 2488
Would viagra still help? I'll limit myself to beer.
>> No. 2489
Are you trolling? Follow you doctor's advice and cut out all the alcohol. I don't know what Viagra will do for you.
>> No. 2490

Just because it's colloquially referred to as "whiskey dick" doesn't mean whiskey is what causes it. Alcohol does. "Limiting" yourself to a six pack a night won't fix anything. You may also have underlying emotional issues affecting your performance, but a general practitioner isn't likely to diagnose that. Viagra may solve your problem, and it may not. It just depends on whether or not it's enough to counteract the detrimental effects of the alcohol. It definitely will not restore sensitivity to your penis, so you are still liable to go noodle dick in the middle of it. Viagra doesn't guarantee an erection, it just makes it much easier to achieve and maintain one.

It was unprofessional of your doctor to laugh at you, but the bottom line is it's unreasonable to assume you can abuse and poison your body and still expect it to function at 100%.
>> No. 2494
Yeah it must be the alcohol. In the morning hours I'm fine, at night I got probs.

I was planning on having a bottle of champagne in a fancy restaurant. Assuming we share the bottle. IF I were to take Viagra, what would the recommended dose be? I heard too much and you could die of a heart attack.

I'm not. You know what he said when I told him I couldn't trip because of the SSRI's ?

"Try taking a higher dose of psychedelics."
>> No. 2498
Maybe try quitting smoking and don't drink for a few months. If that doesn't improve things, then go back to your doctor.
>> No. 2502
>quitting smoking and don't drink for a few months

Awww man... There MUST be another way around this, I mean, even grandpas can get it up nowadays.
>> No. 2503
Either you want to fix your problem or you don't. If you do, quit smoking and cut back your drinking. Exercise. Eat healthier. Maybe don't look at porn or masturbate for a while?

If you're actually healthy and still can't get it up, then your doctor will seriously consider giving you meds.
>> No. 2505
That's like telling a fat person to go jogging. Just recommend me some pills /docta/
>> No. 2506
And I no longer give a shit about your problem.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 2507
Let's put the lifestyle and viagra on one side. What else is there?
>> No. 2508
Step one is to seriously seriously cut back on smoking or, ideally, quit, stop drinking a fucking six pack every night and drink only on weekends and then maybe only 3 or 4 beer, and talk to your doctor about options regarding different anti-depressants that maybe have lesser side-effects for your libido.

If after six months of living this healthier lifestyle, you still can't get hard, then talk to your doctor. "Doc, I was having erectile difficulties, so I quit smoking, cut my drinking way down, started exercising, and eating healthier; that was almost 8 months ago and I am still having erectile problems. What are my options moving forward from here?"

Stop being a baby.
>> No. 2509
This. Either take this advice, OP, or live with a malfunctioning dick. As others have said, you can't expect to abuse your body and have it work correctly. Also, I think a big part of your problem is the cigarettes. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, especially when smoking an insane two packs a day. Combine that with the common side-effects with the antidepressants, you're going to have problems.

Cut back on smoking and drinking and get more exercise. Stop trying to get quick fixes with magic pills.
>> No. 2510
Well, thanks... I guess.
>> No. 2511
Don't take Viagra unless you've been checked out by a doctor. Cigarettes and booze, especially when taken in large and prolonged doses like you've been doing, are both hard on your heart. "waaah, I wanna do whatever I want" is not worth a heart attack or stroke. I used to smoke two packs a day and even by going down to a pack, I noticed my dick was more lively. You can't have your cake and eat it too here. How old are you anyway? You seem young.

Either you party it up or you have your dick back. I wouldn't self-medicate with prescription pills. Growing up means compromise.
>> No. 2512
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>> No. 2513
Whelp, I went to my dealer and asked for some viagra. Now this is a DODGY pharmacy, I mean they sell stuff like morphine, ketamine and ether etc. Most customers are just looking for a high and they know that, so I thought they should be cool with it.

I was the only one in that bitch and had to raise my voice so everybody could hear it. The pharmacist had a wide grin while the one behind her did her best to not giggle.

WTF is wrong with everybody? It's a medical condition, just like losing a limb, going blind, etc. You wouldn't laugh at a guy in a wheelchair would you?

Got 'em, will try 'em out at next opportunity.
>> No. 2516
Great going anon, I was contempt thinking they were just part-time employees who didn't know much about erectile dysfunction. Now you come along and I find out they thought I was some kind of sex freak looking for an orgy.
>> No. 2518
Well this whole thread has been one big flop.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 2523
No kidding. I'm kind of embarrassed to have been a part of it.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 2716
File 13784605951.jpg - (4.78KB , 210x200 , penis pump.jpg )
Penis Pump.

No matter how fucked up, stressed, depressed you are, drunk, in a wheelchair, or being forced to have an erection against your own will, a penis pump relies on mechanics and will produce an erection 99% of the time. It's even covered by health insurance.

You're welcome. NEXT!
>> No. 2722
I was having relationship issues, sorta cold feet and just not getting along with my girlfriend at the time, and so I found it difficult to get in the mood so I got a prescription from my regular doc for.. Our little blue pill friends. Expensive though they did the job.
Then problems resolved themselves and no more need for pills - but bought some anyway for more monster sessions, from a website, cheap compared to legit ones and they are perfectly good. I swear on my artificially enhanced dong that this is not spam, but I thought I'd chuck in a helpful and relevant recommendation to Oz pills.
I did use a load-n-go anon char gable Visa card though, just in case.

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