No. 2441
If I feel anxious, I run through my personal 'list' that basically ensures that I should be feeling well. For me, it's a bit like this;
Have I drunk water recently?
Am I hungry / Have I eaten recently?
Do I need a break from what I'm doing?
Have I listened to some inspiring music?
Have I relaxed recently?
Do I need to go home and shut off for a while?
Do I need to spend time with a friend?
Normally, keeping an eye on these things prevents me from having a massive breakdown that takes days to recover from. For you, this list would probably be different, but I'm sure there are some base things that can help you out (I find eating is really universally important, and normally moods will drop from a 'bad diet' in the daily sense.)
It might help you to divorce your girlfriend from your anxiety issues. Here, I think it would help you to remember that your mental condition not your relationship with your girlfriend. That sounds fine, your anxiety just needs some care. Basically, the feeling that you don't love her is the feeling of your anxiety NOT the feeling of your relationship.
Also, try to go to your therapy again.