No. 2411
You have to stop worrying so much. The world doesn't revolve around you. Rather than wishing you were dead you should try to learn from this. In the end it reads as if you guys broke up about a frikkin' cold, seriously? That's immature from both sides. I also don't get why she didn't talk to you when she felt like it and rather waited for you to reach out for her, whatever that means.
Anyways, hat you should learn from this:
- Be more open to your partner. If the get mad at you for not wanting to come over when sick, they are unbearably immature.
- If your partner wants to talk about something, and gets hurt about not starting the conversation, that's pretty immature too. Talk about it, or shut up, but don't expect your partner to read your mind.
- If you honestly believe someone is mad at you, you shouldn't ignore them, but ask them about it. If you're right, you possibly solved the problem without a week of silent treatment, if you're wrong with the feeling it's no big deal
- It's not as if you infected her with HIV or something. She could have gotten that cold anywhere, so stop hating yourself for it.
Concludently: There is no reason not to open up to your partner. All of the problems you described stem from the fact that both of you didn't talk openly about stuff at the adequate time. If you talk openly about your fears, feelings and wishes and they shut you down, you know it's not the right partner.